Well, this week ended up being more eventful than planned.
I worked all day Wednesday, and had a fantastic day. One technician brought me doughnuts, another brought me an oatmeal cream pie, and another brought me a caramel apple pop. I was a very happy pharmacist.
On the way home, as I was approaching an intersection, a car up ahead turned right on red. The car took the turn a little slow, so I had to slow down too. Nothing too drastic, just a gradual deceleration. In true Gallahair fashion, I reprimanded the vehicle in front of me ("if the car behind you has to slow down, then you did it wrong!"), and next thing I know my car has been hit from behind. A passing vehicle stopped to call 911, and the driver and passenger of the car who hit me looked up to see me exit my vehicle, belly first. The other driver admitted fault at the scene, and then apologized approximately 50 times.
After calling Keith to come get me and speaking with the officers, I called my OB's office to see what I needed to do from there. Since I was 34 weeks, 3 days at the time of the accident, the on-call OB asked that I come in to L&D to be monitored for four hours. In the triage room, I got hooked up to a fetal heart monitor and a contraction monitor, and we discovered that I was contracting every 2 to 4 minutes. I had no idea, since the vast majority of the contractions were ones I couldn't feel. Gideon was as wiggly and active as ever, and looked great on the monitors, however, the OB was not happy with my contractions being so close together. After reviewing my monitors, the OB decided that I needed to be admitted for extended monitoring- 24 hours from the time of the collision.
After IV placement and a lengthy ultrasound to rule out damage to the placenta, I finally got to go to "sleep." (Fact- no one sleeps in hospitals. If you get a good night's sleep, then someone isn't doing their job). I got a few hours rest off and on, then got to see the Doctor around 5:30. She confirmed that Gideon looked wonderful, but that my contractions were still too close together. They slowed a little as the day went on, but stayed pretty consistent, even with IV fluids and time on my left side. However, since I felt fine, Gideon looked great, I'm not dilated, and my contractions were not painful, I got sent home 24 hours after the accident with no activity restrictions.
We'll get a rental car tomorrow and will start the insurance headache this coming week.
Lessons I learned from the L&D trip...
1) I need to pack my hospital bag ASAP. Sleeping in contacts was no good.
2) I've never been so worried about someone as I was for Gideon. I suppose this is a good initiation to motherhood.
3) L&D has an amazing nursing staff, and I'm so glad they'll be taking care of me and Gideon in a few weeks.
A few weeks, Gideon. Mind your mommy and stay put! :)
Friday, October 19, 2012
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
34 Weeks
Oh my gracious- 34 weeks means not very much time until Gideon comes
Baby is as big as a? large cantaloupe
Wedding rings on or off? Still on
Ankles? Surprisingly not swollen these past few days. I blame my recent bouts of edema with moving stress, and a primarily fast food diet for a few days.
Blood pressure- still fantastic. Three cheers for my circulatory system!
Latest appointment? This morning we had our 34 week check up. All looked great- HR, BP and weight gain. I'm measuring on the high end of normal for fundal height, but my OB is pretty sure Gideon is head down and stretched out. My OB also thinks the "cramps" I've been having are really Braxton-Hicks contractions, so I'll start watching those more closely to see if I notice any patterns. I have one more appointment in two weeks, then I'll start coming in every week. Holy cow!
Gideon likes? To be VERY active at inappropriate times, like when mommy is trying to go to bed. He also enjoys sticking his little rump right up to my diaphragm, causing extreme shortness of breath. As far as foods go, we still like sweet things, especially regular Coke.
Gideon dislikes? Nothing that I can tell.
Mommy misses?
-Raw fish sushi- I'd really like some spicy tuna rolls.
-Ibuprofen- while I've had a surprising lack of headaches this pregnancy, when I do get a headache, I miss my NSAIDs
Exciting this week?
-My AMAZING baby shower. Once I get pictures I'll dedicate an entire post to the shower; it was fantastic and wonderfully hosted by some precious young ladies.
-Gideon's nursery looks more like a nursery.
-Thanks to some mother-in-law help, I've found more of my house under the boxes.
-I've preregistered with Huntsville Hospital. All I have to do now is show up and deliver.
Not exciting this week?
-I'm approaching the end of my grace period for student loans. I need to get a NICE frame for my diploma, cause that was one expensive piece of paper!
-My car was hit in the parking lot at work. Just some cosmetic damage, but a headache nonetheless. No one wants to be car-less this close to a baby coming.
This is starting to feel real, y'all. I'll have a little one before I know it!
Baby is as big as a? large cantaloupe
Wedding rings on or off? Still on
Ankles? Surprisingly not swollen these past few days. I blame my recent bouts of edema with moving stress, and a primarily fast food diet for a few days.
Blood pressure- still fantastic. Three cheers for my circulatory system!
Latest appointment? This morning we had our 34 week check up. All looked great- HR, BP and weight gain. I'm measuring on the high end of normal for fundal height, but my OB is pretty sure Gideon is head down and stretched out. My OB also thinks the "cramps" I've been having are really Braxton-Hicks contractions, so I'll start watching those more closely to see if I notice any patterns. I have one more appointment in two weeks, then I'll start coming in every week. Holy cow!
Gideon likes? To be VERY active at inappropriate times, like when mommy is trying to go to bed. He also enjoys sticking his little rump right up to my diaphragm, causing extreme shortness of breath. As far as foods go, we still like sweet things, especially regular Coke.
Gideon dislikes? Nothing that I can tell.
Mommy misses?
-Raw fish sushi- I'd really like some spicy tuna rolls.
-Ibuprofen- while I've had a surprising lack of headaches this pregnancy, when I do get a headache, I miss my NSAIDs
Exciting this week?
-My AMAZING baby shower. Once I get pictures I'll dedicate an entire post to the shower; it was fantastic and wonderfully hosted by some precious young ladies.
-Gideon's nursery looks more like a nursery.
-Thanks to some mother-in-law help, I've found more of my house under the boxes.
-I've preregistered with Huntsville Hospital. All I have to do now is show up and deliver.
Not exciting this week?
-I'm approaching the end of my grace period for student loans. I need to get a NICE frame for my diploma, cause that was one expensive piece of paper!
-My car was hit in the parking lot at work. Just some cosmetic damage, but a headache nonetheless. No one wants to be car-less this close to a baby coming.
This is starting to feel real, y'all. I'll have a little one before I know it!
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
33 Weeks!
Baby is the size of a? pineapple!
Wedding rings? Still on- but snug
Ankles? Lots of issues with swelling here lately. My compression socks are a work day must have, and I'm very familiar with the blood pressure machine at work. So far no issues with hypertension, so we're not concerned.
Other pregnancy issues? More frequent Braxton-Hicks contractions, and some legitimate contractions as well. Long work days bring about a combination of both, as well as sciatic nerve pain. I also think I could sleep all the time if I didn't have such a massive to-do list.
Fun this week?
-we're moved into our new house (note- there's a big difference between being "moved in" and "settled in")
-I'm having a baby shower this weekend, hosted by some amazing Jr and Sr High Ladies :)
Not fun this week?
-I've reached the stage of pregnancy where everyone feels the need to share their labor horror stories with me. I think stories of emergency c-sections and vacuum extractions can wait until after Gideon comes :)
Looking forward to Gideon coming (in his time) and getting to see his sweet face!
Wedding rings? Still on- but snug
Ankles? Lots of issues with swelling here lately. My compression socks are a work day must have, and I'm very familiar with the blood pressure machine at work. So far no issues with hypertension, so we're not concerned.
Other pregnancy issues? More frequent Braxton-Hicks contractions, and some legitimate contractions as well. Long work days bring about a combination of both, as well as sciatic nerve pain. I also think I could sleep all the time if I didn't have such a massive to-do list.
Fun this week?
-we're moved into our new house (note- there's a big difference between being "moved in" and "settled in")
-I'm having a baby shower this weekend, hosted by some amazing Jr and Sr High Ladies :)
Not fun this week?
-I've reached the stage of pregnancy where everyone feels the need to share their labor horror stories with me. I think stories of emergency c-sections and vacuum extractions can wait until after Gideon comes :)
Looking forward to Gideon coming (in his time) and getting to see his sweet face!
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