Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Baby "Must Haves"- Months 0-3

The day I found out I was pregnant, Keith took me to look around Babies R Us for the first time.  I left the store feeling so overwhelmed; I had no idea there were so many baby products out there!  I did extensive research before making my baby registry, and found the best advice came from seeking out family blogs.

So, to help out any pregnant friends, as well as to help me remember in case we decide to have another child, here are my top baby "must haves" for months 0-3.

1. Fisher Price Cradle 'n Swing. 

Gideon is a finicky napper during the day, but we can usually count on him taking a good nap in his swing.  I like this particular swing because it plugs in to the wall, meaning we're not having to spend extra money on batteries (or turn a crank repeatedly like my parents had to with my sister's swing).  The swing can move from side to side or front to back, and has a fun mirror and mobile overhead for Gideon to watch.  This was the first baby item we received, and something we use every single day.

2. Moby Wrap

I love my Moby Wrap!  The day we brought Gideon home from the hospital I was overwhelmed, exhausted, and recovering from emergency surgery.  I had no clue how to take care of a newborn!  We realized in the hospital how much Gideon liked to be swaddled and snuggled, so I figured he would like being in the Moby Wrap.  I was right.  I figured I couldn't screw up taking care of my child when he was right on my chest, so I tied the Moby on (it's easier than it looks!) and snuggled him in.  We use the Moby at least weekly now; it makes a great substitute for a stroller when I'm running errands.  I just tie it before I leave and then put him in the wrap when we arrive wherever we're going.  The wide fabric means his weight gets evenly distributed across my shoulders, so wearing him this way doesn't hurt me.  (Side note- since drafting this post I've discovered that Moby makes a Moby Petite wrap for smaller framed mommies.  This would have been a better purchase for me.)

3. Boppy Pillow

This pillow was a nursing lifesaver the first few weeks of Gideon's life.  The C shape gave me a place to rest Gideon beside me, so he could nurse without putting any pressure on my incision.  We still use this daily for feeding, as well as a means to prop him up during playtime.

4. Fisher Price Animal Krackers Rinsin' Fun Tub

We purchased this product based on a recommendation from a stranger in Babies R Us.  Seeing our looks of bewilderment (there are so many bath tub options for babies!) she pointed this tub out and told us this was what we needed.  I'm so glad we took her advice!  Our favorite features include

-a newborn sling attachment, which keeps Gideon safely upright
-indented "feet" on the bottom, so the tub sits securely over our double sink.  This also means there's virtually no bending over at bath time, which is great for our backs.
-a drain, so no struggling to dump out a tub full of water

5. Angelcare Monitor

We already had a baby monitor when we brought Gideon home, but it didn't have motion detection.  The Angelcare monitor has a movement sensor pad that rests underneath the mattress, and registers Gideon's movements on the parent unit.  A warning beep sounds if he goes 15 seconds without moving, and an alarm sounds if he goes 20 seconds without moving.  We are able to sleep without constantly jumping up to make sure Gideon is still breathing.  We love it!

6. WubbaNub pacifiers

This is such a great idea!  We were sold the first time Gideon spit out a paci and it got "eaten" by our house.  (Seriously, where do lost pacifiers go?)  Since these are larger, they're much harder to lose, and the stuffed animal part helps keep the pacifier in his mouth.  He currently has a frog, bear, and dinosaur.

7. Dr. Brown's Bottles

I'd heard veteran moms praise these bottles for months before I got pregnant, so I knew Dr. Brown's bottles would be a "must have" baby item.  He took one of these bottles for the first time at 3 weeks old, and has had no issues with them at all.  The lack of gas/spit up with these bottles makes their cleaning and assembly (they have multiple parts) worth the extra time.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

3 Months Old!

Sweet Gideon is three months old!  I cannot believe he's three months old already.  Here are a few quick updates on our precious little guy-

Sizes?  Size 2 diapers, size 3 month clothes.  His size 0-3 month clothes still fit, but they're getting snug.

Eating?  Still exclusively nursing between 5 and 6 times a day when Mommy is home.  When Mommy is at work he takes between 4 to 5 oz of expressed milk per feeding.  Our favorite bottles are Dr. Brown's, but we realized this week he'll take a Tommee Tippee bottle with no problems.  The Tommee Tippee bottles have fewer parts, so they're much easier to clean.

Sleeping?  In general, he goes to bed between 6:30-7:30 and will sleep until around 3, then he goes back to sleep until Mommy wakes him up again (on days I work) so he can eat again before I leave.  He typically takes a morning nap and an afternoon nap, but he is a pro at fighting naptime.  I hope this isn't setting the stage for the future, or we will have one grouchy toddler!

Childcare?  With my return to work, we have started to rely on childcare a few days a week.  On Mondays and Tuesdays he goes to "school" at a nearby Baptist church.  On Sundays we've started putting him in the nursery so that I can enjoy the worship service without distraction.  Unfortunately, increased childcare led to his first head cold.

Developmental milestones?   This month we've noticed
-rolling from back to side to back again
-watching hands for spans of time
-bringing fists to mouth to suck on fingers (This one is pretty funny.  He sometimes takes a few tries to get his fist into his mouth, so we'll see fist to forehead, fist to eye, fist to nose, then fist to mouth.)
-Rubbing eyes when he gets sleepy
-Increased "vocabulary" of coos.  I'm hearing a greater variety of vowel sounds, and he attempts to have conversations with us.  He also likes to talk to his mobile, his toys, and his puppy sisters.

Future predictions?  Right now he favors his left hand, so we're guessing he will be left handed.

Like mommy?  Your big smile

Like daddy?  Your long eyelashes and the look you get when you're thinking really hard about something.