I cannot believe we have had Gideon in our lives for four months now! Here are a few quick updates on our sweet little man.
Sizes? Size 2 diapers, size 3-6 month clothes
Eating? His diet is still primarily breastmilk, however, we did introduce rice cereal just a few days ago. Our eating chart from the pediatrician's office said to start at 2 TBSP a day, but since some babies have a really hard time digesting cereal, I wanted to start even smaller. Right now he's getting a TBSP at night, and we're gradually increasing the consistency every day. I'm looking forward to adding fruits and veggies in a few months!
Sleeping? In general, he's a great sleeper at night. He usually goes to bed between 6:30-7, wakes up around 3, and then I wake him up at 6:30 to eat before I go to work. This past weekend was rough, and Gideon woke up every 2 hours wanting to nurse. After introducing cereal at night he fell back in to just waking up once, and even slept through the night one night!
Naptime? Gideon does not like naps, and spends vast amounts of energy fighting them. We're getting his nursery set up this weekend (what? Babies sleep in their parents room the first few months anyway), so hopefully having a set nap time routine will get better once we have his crib.
Developmental Milestones? The things I can remember off the top of my head include
-interest in the game "peek-a-boo" (This one is really precious, it's funny to watch him furrow his brow and then light up when you "reappear")
-Propping up on his arms when on his tummy
-Discovering his feet
-Intently watching his hands
-Linking his fingers together when his hands are palm to palm
-Reacting to sounds that he can't see (for example- noticing that Daddy has spoken from the other side of the room).
-Discovering his voice- he'll babble for hours. It's like he's listening to hear what sounds he can make.
-Almost rolling. He's SO close.
-Reaching for toys when they're in front of him.
-Tracking objects by just moving his eyes. I really notice this when the dogs are around.
He is such a blessing!