Friday, August 30, 2013

Baby Food for Bigger Babies

At every pediatrician's appointment, we get a handy chart explaining what Gideon can eat at this age, suggested amounts, and finger food recommendations.  At G's newborn appointment, I realized we would be introducing meat at around 9 months, and it was then that I decided I'd be making all of his food.  I'd love to say that I was seriously concerned with providing him with all-organic produce, or a preservative-free diet, but I feel like I need to come clean...

The thought of baby food meat grosses me out.

It's really that simple; I cannot handle the thought of pureed, shelf stable meat.  And so I figured if something grossed me out that much, why would I let my child eat it?  (I know I'll be singing a different song in a few years when little bear is lobbying for dinosaur chicken nuggets or crazy flavored yogurt- I'll pick my battles then).

So when the 9 month mark rolled around, I made some protein rich homemade meals for little man-

-Chicken spaghetti with pasta stars- I made a quick homemade marinara sauce with extra veggies (corn and carrots- it was just what was in the fridge), pureed it with the immersion blender, added some finely chopped cooked chicken and mixed the sauce with cooked pasta stars.  He gobbled this one up!

-Chicken and vegetable casserole- I cooked some veggies on the stovetop (carrots, broccoli, onion), added some flour and milk to make a quick sauce, then stirred in some cheese and some cooked chicken cubes.  I pulsed this on in the food processor until the bites were more baby friendly.  G also loved this one very much!

-Chicken with mashed root vegetables- This one is self-explanatory- I mixed cooked chicken with mashed sweet potato, carrot, and parsnip.  Yummy!

I'm planning on introducing fish pretty soon, since that would be very easy to pick up- and very healthy, too!

I also have some dishes that are higher in protein but meat free- we made a lentil and vegetable dish a few weeks ago.

G is also really expanding his finger food experiences- some things he loves so far are
-toast bites with cream cheese (and we're planning on trying toast with hummus this week)
-red grapes (cut into quarters to prevent choking)
-banana bites (I slice bananas in rounds, then cut each slice into quarters to prevent choking)
-mandarin oranges
-shredded cheese
-cooked pasta shapes (these are hard to catch, though)
-black beans

He is just growing up so fast!  What a precious little boy!

Saturday, August 24, 2013

9 months old!

Long time, no blog.  Things are so busy with our growing little boy.  Here are some quick updates-

Stats- 50th percentile head circumference, 10-20th percentile weight, 50-75th percentile height.  He's long and slender.  Currently in 9 month clothes and size 3 diapers.

Words- G is getting better at making many letter sounds- he currently says 'ba', 'ma', 'pa', 'ga' and 'da.'  He also babbles constantly, and likes to use his outside voice to squeal.

What's he up to?
-sitting for extended periods to play
-standing (very briefly) with support
-he's doing some creeping on his stomach- he usually goes backwards or in a circle.  He hates being on his stomach, so our tummy time doesn't last very long.
-reaching up to caregivers when he wants to be picked up
-starting to figure out how to clap
-lots and lots of raspberries
-he loves to be in his jumperoo

His favorite-
food- this one is tough.  He loves to eat.
toy- his Baby Einstein piano
dog- Lucy.  She lays down beside him so he can "pet" her (his petting is not very gentle- we'll work on it)

New things?
-This week he got promoted to a new class at school.  He's with the older babies now, and is adjusting very well to his new environment.  He's making lots of friends, taking good naps, and playing nicely.  They also provide lunches, so that's one less thing for Mommy to do, which is wonderful!

-Daddy got a new car.  When we bought the Jeep Wrangler (the old vehicle), we only thought through a baby seat, but neglected to think through a convertible seat.  Since the American Academy of Pediatrics says that babies should be rear facing until age 2, we needed a larger vehicle to accommodate a rear facing convertible seat.  Safety first!

-Since G is 9 months old, we can start adding meat to his diet.  I made some yummy meals for him tonight to add some protein to his diet (chicken spaghetti with pasta stars, chicken and veggie casserole with cheese, and chicken with root vegetables).

G is so much fun!  I sure do enjoy having a little one.