Thursday, July 19, 2012

21 Weeks

Baby is the size of a?  Spaghetti squash

Baby bump?  People who don't know me ask when I'm due now

Movement?  All the time, but more at night.  Sometimes I think Gideon is trying to escape!

Fun baby purchases?  I went shopping with Mimi, who got Gideon a bank for his room.  It's shaped like a lion, so Keith named it Aslan.

Exciting this week?  Mommy got her license to practice pharmacy!

Overwhelming this week?  Making my list of items to register for.  The first time I walked into a Babies R Us I felt a little hypertensive, so I've been doing some pretty extensive research.  I've been utilizing the book Baby Bargains by Denise and Alan Fields to make several of my larger purchase decisions, but have also consulted recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Consumer Product Safety Commission.

Baby likes?  Lots of fruit

Baby dislikes?  Nothing really.

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