Sunday, November 4, 2012

Gideon's Baby Shower

A few weeks ago I was SO BLESSED by an amazing baby shower hosted by the youth group ladies.  Here are just a few highlights from a fantastic afternoon...

The TV screens in Building 4 were changed to welcome Gideon and to celebrate his upcoming arrival.

The centerpieces of the tables kept with the jungle theme, featuring stuffed jungle animals and delicious homemade mints.

Look at all of this food!  Our selections included cheese straws, fruit tarts, baby mints, and some adorable cupcakes designed to look like rattles, plus loads of other goodies.  The plates were even shaped like jungle animals!  In the background, you can see Gideon's blue punch with rubber ducks floating in it.  So adorable!

Here's a close up of the fruit.  A watermelon baby!  How precious!

These crafty ladies even made Gideon a diaper cake.  In front of the cake were diapers for guests to sign in on, in lieu of a guest book.  I'm sure those will provide some smiles during early morning diaper changes.
Speaking of diapers- the ladies organized a diaper game for us to play.  Inside each diaper was a melted chocolate bar, and the object was to see who could identify the most chocolate bars correctly by smell.  I came in a close second to my cousin.

The girls even got Gideon a basket full of clothes.  This piece was my favorite- a plaid shirt so Gideon can look just like his Daddy.  Now all he needs are some baby Toms.

I am so excited that Gideon has so many eager babysitters-to-be who are just as excited about his arrival as we are.  These ladies did such an amazing job, and I am so blessed to have them in my life.

A special "thank you" to Katrina H. for her amazing photography skills and use of her photos on my blog.  An additional "thank you" to all of the wonderful ladies who planned and executed the most precious baby shower I've ever seen!

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