Wednesday, December 19, 2012

One Month Old

My sweet boy is a month old today; time really does fly with a little one.  A few highlights from the past month include-

Firsts?- Everything was a first this month!  Some of the more memorable firsts included your first bath (complete with lots of pictures to show your first date one day), first trips out of the house to somewhere other than the pediatrician's office (my district office and Panera Bread), and first big smile.

Sizes? Newborn clothes, but I don't think for much longer, and size 1 diapers.

Eating?  Exclusively nursing for now around every 3 hours, with some longer intervals in the evenings.  You aren't picky, and will happily take a bottle from daddy.

Sleeping?  You sleep for a significant part of every day right now, but are becoming more alert during the day.  At night you usually sleep at least one good 5 to 6 hour stretch at some point.

Favorite things?  You love anything that plays music, so your swing is one of your favorite places.  You are rarely without your pacifier and get very upset if you spit it out and can't find it again.  Your favorite pacifier is your WubbaNub, as you can somewhat hold on to it.

Like mommy? Your red hair and chin dimple

Like daddy? Your upper lip and the expression you wear when you're trying to figure something out.

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