Wednesday, April 24, 2013

5 Months Old!

Our sweet boy amazes us more each day with how much he's growing and changing.  Here are a few updates from our big 5 month old boy!

Sizes?  Size 2 diapers, size 3-6 month clothes.  We're actually going shopping today cause he has outgrown all of his pajamas- as in every single pajama outfit we have.

Eating?  We're in the middle of transitioning from exclusive breast feeding to a combination feeding schedule.  Once the transition is complete, he'll receive formula bottles during the day and breast milk at night.  He also eats about 2oz of fruits and veggies in the evenings.

Favorite foods?  Right now Gideon loves apples and sweet potatoes the best, but he did try a fresh banana over the weekend and was very excited about it.

Least favorite food?  English peas.  Can't blame the kid; I don't like peas either.

Favorite bottles?  His favorites are still Dr. Brown's bottles, but he'll also take a Tommee Tippee bottle with no trouble.  He does not do well with Medela bottles.

Favorite toys?  His crinkly giraffe.  (Is that a word?  Crinkly?  As in, an object that makes a crinkle sound when it's manipulated?)

Developmental milestones?
-Rolling from front to back.  He's VERY close to rolling from back to front, but not quite there yet.
-Reaching out for objects he wants- he really does this when the dogs are around, or when he wants to be picked up.
-Holding his own spoon during dinnertime.  This is a very messy milestone- I've cleaned squash from hair, eyelashes and dog fur.
-Practicing more sounds- he really likes to work on his "H" sound.
-Propping up on his arms while on his tummy and looking around.

Like mommy?  Your big grin.  I've also noticed our eyes are the same shape- with the right eye being more pronounced than the left.

Future predictions?   We still think you're going to be left handed.

He just gets more precious every day.  I never knew something so small could be such a big blessing!

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