Sunday, May 12, 2013

Gideon's Baby Dedication

Gideon was dedicated to the Lord this morning at church- something I'd been looking forward to for a long time.

However, I was a little sad this morning coming to church.  Since one grandfather is a pastor and another grandfather is a nurse practitioner who was scheduled at the hospital, we knew that extended family would not be able to make it up for the service, and I was thinking today how I wished his family could be here with us.  Then we walked into the church building.  Immediately, we were greeted by various "aunts" and "uncles" who approached Gideon, and I realized what a blessing we have here- an incredible church family who loves Gideon almost as much as we do.  How wonderful to be surrounded by people who care so deeply for your family!

For those unfamiliar with a baby dedication service, a baby dedication is designed to give parents the opportunity to publicly commit to raising their child in a Godly home, and to give the church body the opportunity to stand behind the family and hold them accountable for raising their child to fear and love the Lord.  Having Gideon dedicated does not ensure that I will get to see him again in heaven one day; that decision will be up to him when he's older.  I pray daily that he will chose to follow the Lord, as his parents have.

After we were called on stage, Gideon was presented to the church and we received a small gift to share with him- a storybook Bible (he's got quite a collection of those, now!), a small New Testament with his name engraved on it, and a letter for him to open the day he decides to follow Jesus.  I cannot wait for that day!  The pastor prayed over us, and then we took Gideon to the nursery.

(Burp cloths- Spring 2013's hottest accessory) 

We understand that it is not the church's responsibility to fully shape Gideon's spiritual growth- that responsibility ultimately lies with us, his parents- but we are so blessed to have a church family walking with us.  Even now, we're trying to teach Gideon about how much Jesus loves him.  We pray with him and over him, we read to him from his storybook Bible, and we sing songs about how much Jesus loves him.  I pray that the simple truths we're repeating day after day will be truths he'll grow to understand.

"God loves Gideon.  God loves Gideon.  In your Bible book it says that God loves Gideon."

What a blessing he is.  The time we have with him is moving so quickly.

1 comment:

  1. Bette, this post just breaks my heart. Hated to have worked on this special day. Love our little buddy.
