Wednesday, July 11, 2012

20 Weeks!

It's hard to believe that we are already halfway through with this pregnancy!  Time is flying by!  And now we can officially introduce our little one...

Meet Gideon Samuel!  Our little one is officially a boy, and we are so excited!

Baby is the size of a?  Banana!

Development?  According to our 20 week fetal scan, Gideon is growing appropriately.  The major organ systems all looked good, however, our ultrasound tech had a difficult time visualizing all four chambers of the heart.  Our OB was not concerned, but we'll have an additional ultrasound at our next visit to confirm a lack of cardiovascular defects.  Mommy is not concerned as another ultrasound means more pictures of my baby; have you seen how adorable my child is?

New pregnancy issues?  Heartburn, and lots of it.  I ate plain cereal for breakfast this morning and got heartburn.  Thank goodness for Pepcid Complete.

Explanation of name?  
We chose Gideon (meaning "mighty warrior" and "feller of trees") as we were both led to the story of Gideon in Judges during our quiet times at different points in time before we decided to start a family.  Gideon's story in the Bible is special to each of us for various reasons.  

For a middle name, we chose Samuel (meaning "God heard" or "requested of God") to represent God's answer to our prayers for a child.  

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