Wednesday, August 1, 2012

23 Weeks!

Baby is the size of an?  Ear of corn!

Belly button in or out?  In, but just barely

Wedding rings on or off?  On

Baby bump?  I'm either really small or really large, depending on who's commenting.  I prefer to think I'm progressing at a healthy rate.

Pregnancy symptoms?  Been feeling really great so far.  I got some amazing work shoes to help me manage long hours on my feet.  It's still hard to get comfortable at night, though.

Neat baby things?  Gideon had the hiccups this week- it was precious and weird all at the same time.

Baby readiness? After hours and hours of researching baby products, we actually made our baby registry this week.  Gideon is registered at Babies R Us.

Looking forward to?  Moving (I never thought I'd say that!) so we can get this little guy's nursery set up!  Also looking forward to our appointment on Monday so I can see more pictures of Gideon.

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