Saturday, November 3, 2012

36 (almost 37) weeks...oops

I'm not very good at keeping up with my blog!  Oops.  I'm sure Gideon won't care.

Baby is as big as a? watermelon!  I believe it, too.  I feel like a hippo.

Wedding rings on or off?  Still on.  My hands haven't swollen too much; my ankles are more than making up for it.

Working?  Still full time, 13 hour days.  They're really not that bad; I just sleep all day on my off days.

Baby readiness?  The nursery is as finished as it will be before Gideon gets here.  Gideon's nursery furniture had to take a back seat to some car repairs/insurance deductibles, but we have a bassinet and a pack-n-play, so our little guy will have plenty of comfy places to sleep.  We also made a very important baby purchase yesterday, a new camera, ready to snap plenty of pictures of my sweet little man.

Hospital bags?  Packed and waiting.  I finished up mine this week, along with a list on top of last minute "don't forget!" items that I can't do without (like my glasses).  Gideon's bag is packed as well, with his baby book ready to have his little footprints stamped in, his going home outfit, and a beautiful afghan from his Nana.  I also finished my "Gideon binder" with all of my important delivery day paperwork organized and in one place- insurance card copies, my advance directive (Labor and Delivery asked me to bring this with me- let's pray that they don't need it!), short term disability paperwork, and our list of people to call.  I'm a little bit OCD.

Recent frustrations?  We got my car to the repair shop that will be fixing it, and found out the damage was much more than we could see from the outside.  They anticipate our repairs will take a month to complete.  Good thing Gideon won't care that he's coming home in a rental car.

Progression towards labor?  I'm starting to have some mild progress towards labor.  My OB seemed relieved when I told her I didn't want to be induced.  Apparently some mommies hit 36 weeks and want their babies right then, but I'm happy to let Gideon grow a little bit longer.

Appointments?  Every week now.  Our most recent appointment included an ultrasound that estimated Gideon's weight at about 7 lbs.  We also had a mix-up with the time of our ultrasound, so the tech threw in a few 4D pictures of Gideon's face for us.  Gideon is exceptionally handsome, and looks very much like his Daddy.

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