Wednesday, January 2, 2013

2012 Year In Review

2012 was a pretty amazing year for the Gallahair family!  Here are a few highlights from our whirlwind year.

-We visited with some sweet friends in Demopolis, as we do every year.

-We assisted with Glo weekend at church (a Disciple Now weekend).  I led the Jr High girls while Keith led the youth guys.

-I celebrated my birthday week
-Keith led a group of 10th grade guys at a Disciple Now weekend in Peachtree City, GA
-Keith served as an usher in a fraternity brother's wedding, while I spent the weekend wondering why I wasn't feeling well.

-We're having a baby!  We decide to keep the news a secret until I graduate pharmacy school.

-We find out baby is coming sooner than we thought, so we travel to tell the family early.
-Keith got accepted to seminary at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, pursuing a Master of Arts in Church Ministries.

-After 8 long years of college, I achieve my goal and officially become Bethany G, Pharm.D.  (Why yes, you can call me "Doctor.")
-I travelled to Orlando to train for my new role at work.
-My little sister graduated high school.

-Keith is hired at The Brook.
-I was a bridesmaid (brides-matron?) in my college roommate's wedding.  She picked a forgiving dress to accommodate my growing belly.
-We purchase a new vehicle to transport our growing family.  It's not a minivan.
-I pass the NAPLEX and MPJE and appear before the Alabama Board of Pharmacy to petition for licensure.
-I begin working as a pharmacist
-We officially find out that we're having a boy.

-We started house shopping and put an offer on our first home.  After some back-and-forth with the owners, we decided to walk away from house #1.  We placed an offer on another house, which is accepted.
-Keith went on a work retreat and got adopted by a stray puppy who is obviously malnourished and recovering from injuries.  We named her Lucy and welcomed her into our family.
-We closed on our first house.
-I got in a car wreck on the way home from work (not my fault) and spent the night in Labor and Delivery for monitoring.  Gideon stayed put.

-Our lives changed forever after a traumatic morning, and we are a family of three.
-We came home from the hospital on Thanksgiving Day, and enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner with family.
-Keith celebrated his birthday.

-We took Gideon to church for the first time and celebrated Christmas at home with family.

We're looking forward to this coming year and seeing what God has in store for us!

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