Tuesday, October 16, 2012

34 Weeks

Oh my gracious- 34 weeks means not very much time until Gideon comes

Baby is as big as a? large cantaloupe

Wedding rings on or off?  Still on

Ankles?  Surprisingly not swollen these past few days.  I blame my recent bouts of edema with moving stress, and a primarily fast food diet for a few days.

Blood pressure- still fantastic.  Three cheers for my circulatory system!

Latest appointment?   This morning we had our 34 week check up.  All looked great- HR, BP and weight gain.  I'm measuring on the high end of normal for fundal height, but my OB is pretty sure Gideon is head down and stretched out.  My OB also thinks the "cramps" I've been having are really Braxton-Hicks contractions, so I'll start watching those more closely to see if I notice any patterns.  I have one more appointment in two weeks, then I'll start coming in every week.  Holy cow!

Gideon likes?  To be VERY active at inappropriate times, like when mommy is trying to go to bed.  He also enjoys sticking his little rump right up to my diaphragm, causing extreme shortness of breath.  As far as foods go, we still like sweet things, especially regular Coke.

Gideon dislikes?  Nothing that I can tell.

Mommy misses?
-Raw fish sushi- I'd really like some spicy tuna rolls.
-Ibuprofen- while I've had a surprising lack of headaches this pregnancy, when I do get a headache, I miss my NSAIDs

Exciting this week?
-My AMAZING baby shower.  Once I get pictures I'll dedicate an entire post to the shower; it was fantastic and wonderfully hosted by some precious young ladies.
-Gideon's nursery looks more like a nursery.
-Thanks to some mother-in-law help, I've found more of my house under the boxes.
-I've preregistered with Huntsville Hospital.  All I have to do now is show up and deliver.

Not exciting this week?
-I'm approaching the end of my grace period for student loans.  I need to get a NICE frame for my diploma, cause that was one expensive piece of paper!
-My car was hit in the parking lot at work.  Just some cosmetic damage, but a headache nonetheless.  No one wants to be car-less this close to a baby coming.

This is starting to feel real, y'all.  I'll have a little one before I know it!

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