Tuesday, October 9, 2012

33 Weeks!

Baby is the size of a? pineapple!

Wedding rings?  Still on- but snug

Ankles?  Lots of issues with swelling here lately.  My compression socks are a work day must have, and I'm very familiar with the blood pressure machine at work.  So far no issues with hypertension, so we're not concerned.

Other pregnancy issues?  More frequent Braxton-Hicks contractions, and some legitimate contractions as well.  Long work days bring about a combination of both, as well as sciatic nerve pain.  I also think I could sleep all the time if I didn't have such a massive to-do list.

Fun this week?
-we're moved into our new house (note- there's a big difference between being "moved in" and "settled in")
-I'm having a baby shower this weekend, hosted by some amazing Jr and Sr High Ladies :)

Not fun this week?
-I've reached the stage of pregnancy where everyone feels the need to share their labor horror stories with me.  I think stories of emergency c-sections and vacuum extractions can wait until after Gideon comes :)

Looking forward to Gideon coming (in his time) and getting to see his sweet face!

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