Wednesday, September 12, 2012

29 Weeks!

Baby is the size of a?  butternut squash!

Wedding rings on or off?  Still on, but getting snug

Nursery things?   Now that we have a house and an actual nursery, we've been able to find some great nursery items.  On Friday, we stocked up on some wall decor.  Today, I visited two consignment sales and added some other amazing items.  I'm especially excited about the glider and ottoman I found for less than the price of just an ottoman.

How are you feeling lately?  Like a turtle on its shell

Baby likes?  Fountain coke with lots of ice, milkshakes, and pretty much any food.  I like to eat.

Baby dislikes?  Nothing really

Looking forward to?  Finishing up the nursery and getting moved into our new house

We start our every 2 week appointments on Monday.  Hopefully Gideon will continue to develop appropriately and will stay put until he's full term.

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