Tuesday, September 4, 2012

28 Weeks and Growing

What an eventful week this has been!

Today was our 28 week appointment.  Gideon is growing big and has a great heart rate.  Mommy is growing right on schedule, measuring exactly 28 weeks with good blood pressure and weight gain.

Baby is the size of a? Small cabbage?  (Which is larger than a cauliflower and a cucumber?  I'm so confused.)  He weighs in at around 3 pounds and is approximately 17 inches long.

Movement?  All the time and all over the place.  Last night Keith had his hand on my belly and confirmed what I'd been thinking- Gideon is trying to kick his way out.  Wait at least 9 more weeks, but preferably longer, little guy!

Unexpected this week?  Last week I said Gideon was good at finding my nerves and kicking them.  Today at the Dr. I found out another reason for those sharp pains- apparently last week I had (and passed) a kidney stone.  I'd be okay not experiencing that again.

Baby likes?  Sweets.  Lots of sweets.  To the point where I'm about to be banned from grocery shopping.

Baby dislikes?  Nothing that I can tell.

New to the family this week?  The Gallahair family got adopted this week by a stray lab mix puppy that we've named Lucy.  She's around 5 months old and is all skin and bones, but with some love and regular meals she'll be all fixed up in no time.  Nelli LOVES having a sister to play with, and they are turning into best buddies.  We're pretty sure Lucy was hit by a car at some point in her life, as she has a (healed) broken hip that will most likely give her problems.  Aside from that and a few minor puppy ailments, she's a healthy girl.  We are very excited to have her in our family.

Since I've hit my third trimester, I'm going to be seen every 2 weeks for the next 6 weeks at the OB's office.  I can't believe time is going by so quickly!  We need to finish a nursery soon!

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