Sunday, April 8, 2012

Crazy Cravings and Awful Aversions

I'll be honest; I thought people who talked about cravings were making them up.

Sorry to all the people I secretly judged.

While at work on Friday, all I could think about was wanting a baked potato.  I think this started when I ate a BBQ baked potato on Thursday, and then didn't feel sick for the first time since days before my positive test.  I kept texting Keith at work telling him how much I couldn't wait to get home for a baked potato.  Fortunately, Keith is a good sport and took me straight to Lawler's BBQ so I could indulge my craving.

Then today at church, all through the sermon I kept thinking about how I wanted a pickle.  Fortunately I was able to eat a few before everyone came over for Easter lunch.  I think me eating pickles out of a jar would cause some people to figure out my secret.

Just as unexpected as the cravings have been the food aversions.  My child does not like the smell of coffee or peanut butter- at all.  The smell of peanut butter turning my stomach was actually my first clue that I might be expecting.  I also have a really hard time with anything with stringy melted cheese.

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