Monday, April 16, 2012

Making an Olive out of an Orange Seed

Again, I have a tendency to over-share.  Please proceed with caution- medical descriptions ahead.

This morning was very nerve wracking.  I was nervous the whole way to the Doctor's office because I knew I was being brought in to rule out a miscarriage.  I knew I would have a very difficult time if the ultrasound tech were to tell me that my womb was empty.

When we got to the office, the receptionist told me they'd call me back for ultrasound first, and then I'd go back again to see the Doctor.  When we went back for the ultrasound, I was pretty sure I knew what to expect.  I'd researched what an almost 5 week old baby should look like on ultrasound- I figured I'd see a big black spot (the gestational sac) and maybe be able to see the yolk sac inside.  As I was watching the screen where my image was projecting, I saw -very clearly- a baby.

I thought to myself, "so soon?"

The ultrasound tech confirmed what I thought.  She looked at me and said "there's your little Bambino!"  Then she started taking all kinds of measurements.  When she measured the crown to rump length, she looked a little confused.  She glanced at my papers and then said "Early OB appointment?!  Sweetheart, you're 8 weeks 1 day."  At this point I was REALLY confused.  8 weeks?  My LMP was 5 weeks ago, meaning I experienced a true cycle while pregnant.  Since crown to rump length is a better determinant of gestational age than LMP, we had to change our due date.  Baby is now due November 25th (same day as Daddy's birthday!), instead of December 18th.  Apparently Baby (and mommy) look great, with Baby's heart beating strong at 164 bpm.

After our surprise with the ultrasound, we got to meet with the Doctor for our first OB appointment.  She gave me a goody bag full of prenatal vitamin samples, pregnancy resources, and prescription for Zofran and Phenergan (Bless. Her. Heart.).  We were really pleased with our OB; she answered all of our questions the best she could (still not exactly sure why I had a period 3 weeks pregnant...) and sent me down for blood work.

This means our plans have changed regarding telling the family.  Instead of waiting until graduation, we're gonna go ahead and tell them this weekend!  My original plan was to tell everyone through these adorable Christmas-themed announcements that I've already ordered.  (I figure I'll still send them out; now they're just funny).

Right now Baby likes- Milo's (well- seeing as how the nearest Milo's is in Gardendale, Baby has been wanting Milo's, a LOT), pickles, fried okra

Right now Baby dislikes- the smell of coffee, sweets

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