Monday, June 25, 2012

18 weeks!

Baby is the size of a? mango  (I know, I thought a sweet potato was bigger than a mango too.  I don't write the list.)

Baby bump?  Bigger by the day.  I can only hide it at work now, thanks to my lab coat.

Belly button in or out?  Still in

Wedding rings off or on?  Still on

Baby likes? Mayonnaise- something I did not eat pre-pregnancy except for in potato or chicken salad.  My new favorite lunch has been a turkey sandwich on white bread with mayonnaise on both slices, muenster cheese and lettuce.

Baby dislikes?  Certain smells- barbeque and sweet coffee in particular.

Movement? All the time now.  Last night Baby's kicks started to hurt a little bit, they were so strong!  Daddy has been able to feel some more kicks as well, which has been exciting.

Looking forward to?  Being done with the Boards so I can finally start picking out Baby stuff.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

17 weeks!

Baby Gallahair is continuing to grow!

Baby is the size of a? Sweet potato!

Baby bump?  It's noticeable now.  I got a few "I can see your bump!" comments at church on Sunday.

Baby likes? All fruit, and lots of it.

Baby dislikes?  Nothing that I can tell, really.

Mommy misses?  Eating sushi.  I laugh at most of the "pregnancy do-not-eat" recommendations as they're unfounded, however, I will not eat raw fish.  The raw fish part isn't a concern to me, it's the high mercury levels in my sushi favorites.  I did eat some California Rolls this week as they're fully cooked.  They were delicious, but not the same.  Who wants to bring me some spicy tuna rolls after delivery?

Exciting moment this week?  We felt Baby kick from the outside this week!  Keith had his hand on my tummy as we were reading Baby a story, and Baby started kicking.  It was very exciting.  I'm starting to feel movement during the day as well, and not just when I'm being still.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

16 Week appointment

Baby is the size of a? Turnip!

Baby bump?  Getting bigger by the day!

Baby likes?  Food.  My gracious where did this appetite come from?

Baby dislikes?  When mommy works then does too much afterward

Movement?  Every day now.  I can distinguish kicks now instead of just flutters, but still can't feel them on the outside.

Today was our 16 week appointment.  Baby is growing big and strong!  Mommy looked good with stable blood pressure and appropriate gradual weight gain.  When our OB put the Doppler on my belly to hear the heartbeat, Baby kicked the probe, which made a loud noise on the Doppler.  Apparently Baby is not a fan of cold things on Mommy's tummy.

Also exciting was we got a "sneak peak" ultrasound to see if we could tell the gender.  We're 97% sure we know, but aren't going to post on social media until after our 20 week appointment.  We'll be happy to share our excitement in person :)

Monday, June 4, 2012

15 Weeks!

Baby is the size of an? Avocado!  (Speaking of... where can I find some guacamole?)

Baby bump?  Getting bigger by the day, but not overtly noticeable.  Still in regular clothes with a few exceptions. I'm still getting "you're not even showing!" on an almost daily basis.

Baby likes? Still loving the sour stuff.  Also exciting is that coffee no longer makes me gag, so I've enjoyed two (small) cups this week.  For the "pregnancy police" out there, yes, I can have caffeine while pregnant.  No, my baby will not have weird birth defects due to my supposed lack of judgement.  (I was actually asked these things this week, and by a fellow pharmacist, no less). I also eat (gasp!) lunch meat and (oh dear!) hot dogs.  I'm a pregnancy rebel.  (That and the dangers of said foods are completely unfounded and way overblown...stop freaking out pregnant women internet!)  Also, my OB says they're safe.

Mommy dislikes?  Baby almost making me faint at work today.  Fortunately I got to a chair and got my head between my legs before I hit the floor.  I've had this happen before and think it can be related to either low blood sugar or low blood pressure.  I'll ask my OB next week.

Proud mommy moment this week?  I had an out of town conference in Florida this week.  I was on four separate flights, and did fine on all of them.  I'd heard pregnancy horror stories about flying, so I was a little concerned.

Movement?  Still feeling sporadic light flutters and thumps (almost like bubbles popping).  It's mainly when I get really still at the end of the day and is the coolest feeling in the world.  That's my kid in there, y'all!

Looking forward to another appointment soon to hear Baby's heartbeat and see how we're doing!