Monday, June 25, 2012

18 weeks!

Baby is the size of a? mango  (I know, I thought a sweet potato was bigger than a mango too.  I don't write the list.)

Baby bump?  Bigger by the day.  I can only hide it at work now, thanks to my lab coat.

Belly button in or out?  Still in

Wedding rings off or on?  Still on

Baby likes? Mayonnaise- something I did not eat pre-pregnancy except for in potato or chicken salad.  My new favorite lunch has been a turkey sandwich on white bread with mayonnaise on both slices, muenster cheese and lettuce.

Baby dislikes?  Certain smells- barbeque and sweet coffee in particular.

Movement? All the time now.  Last night Baby's kicks started to hurt a little bit, they were so strong!  Daddy has been able to feel some more kicks as well, which has been exciting.

Looking forward to?  Being done with the Boards so I can finally start picking out Baby stuff.

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