Tuesday, June 12, 2012

16 Week appointment

Baby is the size of a? Turnip!

Baby bump?  Getting bigger by the day!

Baby likes?  Food.  My gracious where did this appetite come from?

Baby dislikes?  When mommy works then does too much afterward

Movement?  Every day now.  I can distinguish kicks now instead of just flutters, but still can't feel them on the outside.

Today was our 16 week appointment.  Baby is growing big and strong!  Mommy looked good with stable blood pressure and appropriate gradual weight gain.  When our OB put the Doppler on my belly to hear the heartbeat, Baby kicked the probe, which made a loud noise on the Doppler.  Apparently Baby is not a fan of cold things on Mommy's tummy.

Also exciting was we got a "sneak peak" ultrasound to see if we could tell the gender.  We're 97% sure we know, but aren't going to post on social media until after our 20 week appointment.  We'll be happy to share our excitement in person :)

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