Tuesday, June 19, 2012

17 weeks!

Baby Gallahair is continuing to grow!

Baby is the size of a? Sweet potato!

Baby bump?  It's noticeable now.  I got a few "I can see your bump!" comments at church on Sunday.

Baby likes? All fruit, and lots of it.

Baby dislikes?  Nothing that I can tell, really.

Mommy misses?  Eating sushi.  I laugh at most of the "pregnancy do-not-eat" recommendations as they're unfounded, however, I will not eat raw fish.  The raw fish part isn't a concern to me, it's the high mercury levels in my sushi favorites.  I did eat some California Rolls this week as they're fully cooked.  They were delicious, but not the same.  Who wants to bring me some spicy tuna rolls after delivery?

Exciting moment this week?  We felt Baby kick from the outside this week!  Keith had his hand on my tummy as we were reading Baby a story, and Baby started kicking.  It was very exciting.  I'm starting to feel movement during the day as well, and not just when I'm being still.

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