Monday, August 6, 2012

24 Weeks!

Today was our 24 week appointment to check on sweet Gideon.  We started with an ultrasound to view the heart structures since Gideon was camera shy at our fetal anomaly scan.  Fortunately Gideon's heart looked great (and everything else looked great, too)!  Mommy is continuing "perfectly" (per the OB) with appropriate weight gain, blood pressure, and belly measurements.  I did get homework for my next appointment- my lab orders for my glucose screen.

Baby is the size of an? Eggplant!

Belly button in or out?  In, but not for much longer, I don't think.

Wedding rings on or off?  On

Symptoms?  Heartburn- which makes sense considering my growing abdomen.  A growing belly means all the other GI organs get "smushed" out of the way.

Baby likes?  Lots of healthy things- watermelon, yogurt with fruit mixed in, cheese sticks.  Gideon also likes some unhealthy snacks as well, specifically cinnamon rolls and double-stuff Oreos.

Mommy likes?  Pepcid Complete.  I also like my new work shoes, a pair of Dansko Professionals, which help me work my long days on my feet without back pain. 

For the family- for Gideon's health and safety, please plan on receiving a seasonal flu shot as well as a pertussis (Tdap) vaccine before he arrives.  These vaccines are already important if you're around asplenic individuals, so this request benefits multiple family members :)  If you have questions about either of these vaccines, please consult the following resources from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention-

Regarding the flu vaccine you can view information from the CDC HERE
Regarding the Tdap vaccine you can view information from the CDC HERE

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