Tuesday, August 21, 2012

26 Weeks!

Baby is as big as a? cucumber!

Belly button in or out?  Out.  It "popped" sometime this week

Wedding rings on or off?  On

Baby likes?  Hearing Daddy talk- he's very responsive to Keith's voice.

Baby dislikes?  Nothing that I can tell, really.

Favorite moment this week?  Putting my hand on my belly in response to some strong kicks, and feeling Gideon's foot.  I've also been able to decipher some knees (or elbows) this week as well.

Least favorite moment this week?  Going to the lab for my 2 hour glucose screen.  Whoever told me "it's only a small bottle" or "it's really not that bad" was lying.  After coming in fasting, I had to wait an additional hour to be called back to receive the glucose drink.  I could tell my sugar was already low, and I knew consuming 75 grams of carbs over a 5 minute span was not the ideal way to raise my sugar.  I wasn't feeling well to begin with, and my lab tech's advice- "if you throw up, we have to start over"- was not very comforting.  I ended up doing just fine for the two hours of the test, and then went straight to Panera for a healthy (and virtually carb-free) lunch.  Hopefully I'll hear good news from my OB's office within the next few days.

Fun discovery this week?  Etsy.  How did I go this long without ever really looking at this site?  I've found so many cute things for Gideon's nursery.  I can't wait to be at our new house so I can start ordering and decorating!

Miss anything?  Sleeping comfortably.  I have a hard time getting and staying comfortable.

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