Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Third Trimester!

How am I already in my third trimester?  I feel like this pregnancy is flying by, most likely due to all of the distractions I've had since finding out- finishing/graduating pharmacy school, taking/passing the Boards, buying a house, etc.

Baby is the size of a?  head of cauliflower (again, I don't see a logical progression through the produce here).  He weights in at approximately 2.5 lbs and is around 16 inches from head to toes.

Wedding rings on or off?  Still on, but they're getting snug in the evenings.  I might invest in a fake ring in a larger size if this keeps up.

Movement?  I'm pretty sure my little one is nocturnal; he moves all night long.  He's gotten very good at finding mommy's nerves and kicking them just hard enough to give me stabbing pains.  Not cute, little guy!

Baby likes?  Sweet things, especially Kit Kat bars, Almond Joys and Oreos.  I'm usually not a fan of sweets, so this is definitely pregnancy-related.

Baby dislikes?  Still nothing that I can tell.

New challenges this week?  I found out that I passed my glucose test, no problem.  However, my OB also ordered an H/H and discovered that I have iron-deficiency anemia.  Mommy has orders to take additional iron supplements and eat more protein.  I've already noticed an energy boost from the extra iron, so hopefully my lab values will improve as well.

Looking forward to?  My appointment coming up next week, and closing on a house!  Gideon will finally have a nursery to decorate!

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