Wednesday, August 15, 2012

25 Weeks!

Baby is the size of a?  Still an eggplant

Belly button in or out?  Half and half- the top is trying to "pop"

Wedding rings on or off?  Still on

Baby likes?  Still watermelon, and lots of sweet things.  Almond Joys are exceptionally delicious.

Baby dislikes?  Nothing really

Mommy likes?  Feeling how active Gideon is lately; he moves so much!  Sometimes my whole belly will move to one side or the other while he's practicing his gymnastics.

Mommy dislikes?  Gideon showing off how much he can move when I'm trying to go to sleep, or in the morning before my alarm clock goes off.

New challenges?  When I go to pick things up, I've noticed that the floor is farther away than it used to be.  It's not me.  It's the floor.

Looking forward to?  Decorating the nursery!

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