Wednesday, May 2, 2012

10 Weeks!

A quick update for Baby Gallahair at 10 weeks-

Baby is the size of a? Lime

Baby bump? I see something there, but I'm petite.  It's most likely water retention.  I did have a random stranger ask me today how far along I am.  Awkward!

Maternity Clothes? Not yet.  I have some jeans that are getting uncomfortable to button.  I'm sure my Tummy Sleeve will come in handy the next few weeks.

Symptoms? Dizzy spells. Extreme fatigue mixed with inability to sleep (good thing my nausea medicine doubles as a fantastic sleep aid)

Sleep?  Either all the time or none at all.  It's hard to get comfy.

Cravings? Tropical Punch Kool Aid.  Mexican food is especially delicious.

Aversions? Sweet things just don't sound good.

Gender? Way too soon to tell, but my gut tells me Baby is a girl.  Keith and I have had very similar dreams about a redheaded girl.

Favorite part? Everyone being so excited and supportive

Least favorite part? The not-so-fun pregnancy symptoms

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE your cravings!

    Comfy advice? Use Keith as a body pillow! Find whatever makes you comfy and make him stay in that spot all night! :)
