Tuesday, May 29, 2012

14 weeks!

Baby Gallahair is growing fast!

Baby is the size of a? Navel orange!

Baby bump? Most definitely, but still in my regular clothes.  I'm in that awkward "is she pregnant or does she need to lay off the cheeseburgers?" stage.

Baby likes? All things sour- Dill pickle chips, Sprees, mustard, Sour Straws.  After a quick run to the "front store" at work to grab some Sour Straws and a Mountain Dew, I was getting some funny looks.  Apparently I'm -that- pregnant woman.  Don't judge me.

Baby dislikes? The smell of pizza (but mommy dislikes that smell too).

Coolest moment thus far? I felt Baby move!  Apparently it's super early to feel quickening, but unless a fish has taken up residence in my lower abdomen, Baby is letting Mommy know he/she is there.

Other things I've enjoyed? Picking out children's books with my husband to read to the Baby.

Looking forward to our 16 week appointment.  Rumor has it my OB does a gender "sneak peak" at 16 weeks.  It would be very exciting to know if Baby Gallahair is a he or a she!


  1. Yay for feeling Baby move!!! So so exciting!

    I have heard that gender can sometimes be seen at 16 weeks, so I am definitely looking forward to your report in a couple weeks!

  2. You felt baby move! I'm very impressed. Wahoo! It's a fun feeling, and gets weirder and weirder.

    I'm putting in my gender guess now: BOY

    This is solely based on the fact that when I was pregnant with a girl, I loved the smell of pizza.

  3. How exciting, Bette. Glad you and grandbaby are doing well.
