Tuesday, May 8, 2012

11 Weeks!

Another quick update on Baby Gallahair at 11 weeks along...

Baby is the size of a? Large plum!

Baby bump?  It's definitely there, it's just small.

Cravings?  Still loving Mexican food, especially spicy queso dip! (Also loving famotidine...)

New baby items? With our recent trip to Auburn, Baby now has an Aubie bib, an Auburn receiving blanket, and an Auburn t-shirt that reads "Start 'em young and raise 'em right."  Grandma and Grandpa got Baby some long-sleeved Christmas onesies as well.

Biggest prayers?  I've spent lots of time this week praying that Baby will come to know Jesus at an early age.  I also spent some time praying for Baby's spouse, which made me think about Baby growing up and getting married, which made me cry.

Also surprising this week?  Realizing that along with the new title I earned today ("Doctor"), I'll be earning another new title in November- "Mommy."  I don't know why I'd never really thought about that before.  An author I enjoy, Katie Davis,  described it this way- "It's such a powerful name.   Mommy means 'I trust you.' Mommy means 'You will protect me.' Mommy is for shouting when you need someone dependable and for laughing with when you are excited; Mommy is for crying on and cuddling with when you are sad or giggling and hiding behind when you are embarrassed. Mommy is the fixer of boo-boos and the mender of broken hearts.  Mommy is a comfort place, a safe place.  Mommy means you are mine and I am yours and we are family."

Happy Early Mother's Day to everyone!

Davis, Katie, and Beth Clark. Kisses From Katie: A Story Of Relentless Love And Redemption. New York: Howard Pub Co, 2011. 57.

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