Monday, May 14, 2012

12 Weeks!

We had a very successful 12 week appointment today!  Since fetal heart tones can be tricky to catch with the Doppler at 12 weeks, our OB had us get a quick ultrasound first to see the heart.  Baby was so wiggly that it was hard to get a clear reading, but finally sat still long enough for us to hear.  Our OB was also able to find the heart beat with the Doppler as well- a strong 158 bpm!  Mommy looked great as well, with stable blood pressure and good blood work.

Baby is the size of a? peach!  (mmm... peach ice cream... )

Favorite part so far?  Seeing how active Baby is!

Right now Baby likes? watermelon

Baby bump?  A little one.  It looks like I had too many peanut butter M & Ms...

Things I miss?  Coffee.

Looking forward to? Feeling some movement- Baby is definitely a wiggle worm.

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