Wednesday, December 26, 2012

First Christmas

In some ways, I almost feel like I missed Christmas this year.  I spent almost all of the holiday season confined to my house due to C-section recovery driving restrictions and fear of exposing G to germs.  The extreme sleep deprivation didn't help me get into the Christmas spirit, either.  However, we did manage to have a lovely Christmas at home this year.  Some notable events included...

-Mom going to the Ladies Christmas Brunch at church.  This was my second time away from G (the first time was a short trip to Wal-Mart), and it was wonderful.  It was so nice to fellowship with the ladies at church, eat some amazing food, and not be tethered to a feeding schedule for a morning.  I was surprised by the number of people who expected me to have little man with me, though.  He was three weeks old at the time; three week olds have no business in public, especially during this year's terrible flu season.  (Think I'm overreacting?  You wouldn't if you worked in retail pharmacy :) )

-Taking a Christmas light tour of Madison.  To get me out of the house one day, my sweet husband loaded us in the car, took me through the drive thru at Starbucks for a Holiday beverage, and then drove me around town to look at all of the pretty Christmas lights.  I got several great ideas for exterior decorating for next year, and look forward to having some Christmas lights outside my home.  G was immediately asleep in his car seat, so I got to enjoy quality time and conversation with my husband.  Conversations are more fun when they don't revolve around feeding and diapers.

-Doing some light Christmas baking.  I had to break in my new kitchen!  I love having pretty appliances and nice countertops, and I had a great time making some family favorites.  I was thinking that baking will be even more fun in a few years when little man can help me cut out sugar cookies or unwrap Reese's cups for his daddy's favorite Christmas goodie.

-Seeing lots of family.  Almost all of G's extended family has stopped by at some time or other during the holiday season.  We've had visits from all three grandmothers and grandfathers, two great-grandfathers, two great-grandmothers, two aunts and uncles, a cousin, and two great aunts.  

-G's first trip to church.  Our ped recommended G not go to church until he was at least 2 months old due to risk of cold, flu, and RSV.  We did "cheat" for the Christmas candlelight service at church, and G went with me in his Moby wrap.  I sat on the back row in case we needed to make a quick exit, but G loves being snuggled in his Moby, and slept the whole time.  I loved being able to attend church for the first time in over a month.

-Getting to fill G's stocking.  Since G is so little, there wasn't much under the tree this year.  However, he did have his stocking filled with a few toys from mom and dad.  He even smiled in response to one of his new toys, which was fun.  

We're looking forward to starting Christmas traditions with our little guy in the future.  I'd imagine Christmases are going to get much louder around here in the next few years; what fun that will be! 

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

One Month Old

My sweet boy is a month old today; time really does fly with a little one.  A few highlights from the past month include-

Firsts?- Everything was a first this month!  Some of the more memorable firsts included your first bath (complete with lots of pictures to show your first date one day), first trips out of the house to somewhere other than the pediatrician's office (my district office and Panera Bread), and first big smile.

Sizes? Newborn clothes, but I don't think for much longer, and size 1 diapers.

Eating?  Exclusively nursing for now around every 3 hours, with some longer intervals in the evenings.  You aren't picky, and will happily take a bottle from daddy.

Sleeping?  You sleep for a significant part of every day right now, but are becoming more alert during the day.  At night you usually sleep at least one good 5 to 6 hour stretch at some point.

Favorite things?  You love anything that plays music, so your swing is one of your favorite places.  You are rarely without your pacifier and get very upset if you spit it out and can't find it again.  Your favorite pacifier is your WubbaNub, as you can somewhat hold on to it.

Like mommy? Your red hair and chin dimple

Like daddy? Your upper lip and the expression you wear when you're trying to figure something out.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

GIdeon's Birth Story

Precious Gideon is here, and we are so blessed to have this amazing gift from God!

I apologize for the lengthiness of this post.  I've had many issues with Gideon's birth that I've needed to process, and I feel like writing them down will help.

During this pregnancy, I made several statements repeatedly regarding what I would like for Gideon's arrival.  Up until about 37 weeks, I was adamantly against being induced for fear of having a C-section due to "failure to progress."  I always knew I wanted an epidural, in the "highly unlikely event that Gideon has to come via an emergency C-section, I'll be ready and all they'll have to do is cut."  I think God laughs at our plans, sometimes.

At my 38 week appointment, I was feeling very large.  My OB had some concerns about the size of my child relative to my size, so we opted to schedule an induction for the following week, with me coming in to the hospital on Sunday night for Cytotec, and starting Pitocin early Monday morning.  I expected a rather lengthy affair, and even asked family to please not be at the hospital early, since there would be such a long day of waiting.

Keith and I went on a last date as a family of two on Sunday evening, with a wonderful dinner at Conner's, followed by getting Keith an early birthday present at the Fossil store, and me a new book to read in the hospital.  After all, we'd be there a while, just waiting.

I promptly got called back and signed in by my L&D nurse.  I got hooked up to two monitors, started Cytotec just fine, and I didn't seem to have any troubles.  Out of nerves and excitement, I had a headache, and got some Tylenol about 11 at night to help.  Around 1:30 in the morning I noticed contractions that were waking me up from sleep, so I requested something for pain.  After handing my phone over to Keith for fear of drug-induced texting or Facebooking, I got a dose of Stadol.  While I was grateful for the pain relief, the side effects were ridiculous.  I had the most abnormal/vivid dreams I've ever had.  I wanted to tell Keith what I was seeing in my dreams, but knew he would just laugh at me and say that I was stoned ("um...yeah, Bethany, you were").

During the night, I noticed something was a little off.  My L&D nurse kept coming in to adjust the monitor on Gideon's heart.  When I was admitted for my wreck, he kept kicking the monitor off, so at first I thought that's what was going on.  However, in our case this time, it was much more serious.

At this point my details get a little blurry.  I remember a lot of things, but it was such a swirl of activity that I had a hard time keeping track.

We started Pitocin at 5:30 am, and I was looking forward to getting to meet my little man.  Yet around shift change, things started to get busy/scary in my room.  My nurse was mentioning how Gideon's heart rate kept decelerating, and they couldn't figure out why.  My OB came in to check me, and to break my water.  They made the decision to actually discontinue my Pitocin drip, as I started to progress incredibly quickly (2 cms to 7 cms over an hour). "I'm moving fast, Keith, get my mommy here."  Because I was progressing so fast, my contractions went from mild and manageable to almost unbearable over a span of about half an hour.  Anesthesia came in to administer my epidural, and I was grateful for some pain relief.  However, I noticed that my pain didn't get drastically better; it just dulled a little.  Before too much longer, I was contracting over the epidural.  All during this, there was a bustle of activity in the room.  Not just my day shift nurse, but other nurses, and the charge nurse were coming in to watch Gideon's monitor.  My nurse started to put compression stockings on me, and said "mommy, I'm not trying to scare you, but we might have to go to surgery.  I'm gonna get you ready just in case."  At this point, I was in so much pain that the thought of surgery didn't bother me at all.  I knew that would mean I wouldn't hurt as much anymore.

My day nurse had me try getting in multiple different positions to see if that would help Gideon's heart. I was placed on oxygen to try and help as well.  I heard my day nurse come back into the room with medicine and say to my OB on the phone "so if this doesn't work, we're going to section?"  I was given terbutaline, which is usually given to stop women in premature labor from contracting to see if that would help Gideon respond better.  It didn't.    My OB came in the room, assessed a few things, and then said "yes, we're going to the OR."

They quickly unplugged all the monitors from the wall and started running my bed down the hall. (They do that in real life, not just on tv.  Who knew?)  They wouldn't let me hold Keith's hand, because I had to keep my hands inside my bed.  I wanted to hold his hand; I knew he'd be scared, too.  I remember calling out to Jesus at this point for the safety of my child.   My OB came up alongside and started giving instructions- I remember them asking if I was wearing anything metal (my glasses and hair clips).  She told Keith to put on scrubs and said they'd come get him. (They never did.)  Then she asked if NICU was on board- I remember my heart sinking at this point.  Not NICU, please not NICU.

We got into the OR and I was moved to the operating table.  I remember thinking that I should thank the pain medicines in my system for my not feeling extremely panicked.  One member of the anesthesia team pointed out that you could hear Gideon on a heart monitor in the room, and that his heart rate sounded strong "that's your baby, mommy, hear how good he sounds?"  I felt them scrub my tummy, which sent me into a panic "I can feel that!  I can feel that!"  Another member of anesthesia (the same man who placed my epidural) said "don't worry mommy, we're putting you to sleep."  An oxygen mask was placed on my face ("take good deep breaths, mommy"), something was injected into my IV line ("you might feel stinging in your arm and a tickle in your throat"), my OB called a surgical "time out" ("this is a cesarean delivery for Bethany Gallahair"...), I took deep breaths, closed my eyes...


I woke up an hour and a half later.

I could see the clock on the wall across the room, so someone was sweet enough to put my glasses on me while I slept.  My nurse came to check on me, and told me I was done with my surgery.  I had a lot of questions, and tried to sound coherent under residual effects of medication.
-"Is my baby in NICU?"  (No mommy, he's in well baby nursery)
-"How is my husband?  Is he okay?" (yes mommy, he's doing fine).  I think I asked this more than once.  When my nurse was giving report to my mother/baby nurse she mentioned how concerned I was for my husband.
-"What were the APGARs?" (8 and 9)

I heard my OB come in a few minutes later and exclaim "Oh he came out wailing!  And he's adorable, too, head full of red hair!"  Red hair, just like his mommy.

The rolled me into the elevator and up to my mother/baby room.  I was so excited to see Keith and my mom, sister and Mr. Leslie.  Keith came up and told me that no one held Gideon until I could get there-  what an incredibly sweet thought.  As I was holding my son for the first time, and marveling over how precious he is, I found out the true reason for why my morning had been so crazy from Keith.  "Did they tell you what happened?  The cord was around his neck."

I grieve some of the things I missed from that hour I was asleep.  His first strong cry is a big one.  I grieve that due to general anesthesia my husband couldn't be present for his son's birth.  I grieve that I didn't know that I was a mommy until an hour and a half later. (For the people who wondered why we didn't update people the minute he was born, this is the reason why.  His own mommy didn't know he was born.)

However, through all of the grief and chaos, I thank God for the safety of my child, and the amazing medical staff who brought him safely into the world.  I'm so blessed to have a healthy son, and an incredibly supportive family to help me take care of him.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Gideon's Baby Shower

A few weeks ago I was SO BLESSED by an amazing baby shower hosted by the youth group ladies.  Here are just a few highlights from a fantastic afternoon...

The TV screens in Building 4 were changed to welcome Gideon and to celebrate his upcoming arrival.

The centerpieces of the tables kept with the jungle theme, featuring stuffed jungle animals and delicious homemade mints.

Look at all of this food!  Our selections included cheese straws, fruit tarts, baby mints, and some adorable cupcakes designed to look like rattles, plus loads of other goodies.  The plates were even shaped like jungle animals!  In the background, you can see Gideon's blue punch with rubber ducks floating in it.  So adorable!

Here's a close up of the fruit.  A watermelon baby!  How precious!

These crafty ladies even made Gideon a diaper cake.  In front of the cake were diapers for guests to sign in on, in lieu of a guest book.  I'm sure those will provide some smiles during early morning diaper changes.
Speaking of diapers- the ladies organized a diaper game for us to play.  Inside each diaper was a melted chocolate bar, and the object was to see who could identify the most chocolate bars correctly by smell.  I came in a close second to my cousin.

The girls even got Gideon a basket full of clothes.  This piece was my favorite- a plaid shirt so Gideon can look just like his Daddy.  Now all he needs are some baby Toms.

I am so excited that Gideon has so many eager babysitters-to-be who are just as excited about his arrival as we are.  These ladies did such an amazing job, and I am so blessed to have them in my life.

A special "thank you" to Katrina H. for her amazing photography skills and use of her photos on my blog.  An additional "thank you" to all of the wonderful ladies who planned and executed the most precious baby shower I've ever seen!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

36 (almost 37) weeks...oops

I'm not very good at keeping up with my blog!  Oops.  I'm sure Gideon won't care.

Baby is as big as a? watermelon!  I believe it, too.  I feel like a hippo.

Wedding rings on or off?  Still on.  My hands haven't swollen too much; my ankles are more than making up for it.

Working?  Still full time, 13 hour days.  They're really not that bad; I just sleep all day on my off days.

Baby readiness?  The nursery is as finished as it will be before Gideon gets here.  Gideon's nursery furniture had to take a back seat to some car repairs/insurance deductibles, but we have a bassinet and a pack-n-play, so our little guy will have plenty of comfy places to sleep.  We also made a very important baby purchase yesterday, a new camera, ready to snap plenty of pictures of my sweet little man.

Hospital bags?  Packed and waiting.  I finished up mine this week, along with a list on top of last minute "don't forget!" items that I can't do without (like my glasses).  Gideon's bag is packed as well, with his baby book ready to have his little footprints stamped in, his going home outfit, and a beautiful afghan from his Nana.  I also finished my "Gideon binder" with all of my important delivery day paperwork organized and in one place- insurance card copies, my advance directive (Labor and Delivery asked me to bring this with me- let's pray that they don't need it!), short term disability paperwork, and our list of people to call.  I'm a little bit OCD.

Recent frustrations?  We got my car to the repair shop that will be fixing it, and found out the damage was much more than we could see from the outside.  They anticipate our repairs will take a month to complete.  Good thing Gideon won't care that he's coming home in a rental car.

Progression towards labor?  I'm starting to have some mild progress towards labor.  My OB seemed relieved when I told her I didn't want to be induced.  Apparently some mommies hit 36 weeks and want their babies right then, but I'm happy to let Gideon grow a little bit longer.

Appointments?  Every week now.  Our most recent appointment included an ultrasound that estimated Gideon's weight at about 7 lbs.  We also had a mix-up with the time of our ultrasound, so the tech threw in a few 4D pictures of Gideon's face for us.  Gideon is exceptionally handsome, and looks very much like his Daddy.

Friday, October 19, 2012

First Trip to L&D

Well, this week ended up being more eventful than planned.

I worked all day Wednesday, and had a fantastic day.  One technician brought me doughnuts, another brought me an oatmeal cream pie, and another brought me a caramel apple pop.  I was a very happy pharmacist.

On the way home, as I was approaching an intersection, a car up ahead turned right on red.  The car took the turn a little slow, so I had to slow down too.  Nothing too drastic, just a gradual deceleration.  In true Gallahair fashion, I reprimanded the vehicle in front of me ("if the car behind you has to slow down, then you did it wrong!"), and next thing I know my car has been hit from behind.  A passing vehicle stopped to call 911, and the driver and passenger of the car who hit me looked up to see me exit my vehicle, belly first.  The other driver admitted fault at the scene, and then apologized approximately 50 times.

After calling Keith to come get me and speaking with the officers, I called my OB's office to see what I needed to do from there.  Since I was 34 weeks, 3 days at the time of the accident, the on-call OB asked that I come in to L&D to be monitored for four hours.  In the triage room, I got hooked up to a fetal heart monitor and a contraction monitor, and we discovered that I was contracting every 2 to 4 minutes.  I had no idea, since the vast majority of the contractions were ones I couldn't feel.  Gideon was as wiggly and active as ever, and looked great on the monitors, however, the OB was not happy with my contractions being so close together.  After reviewing my monitors, the OB decided that I needed to be admitted for extended monitoring- 24 hours from the time of the collision.

After IV placement and a lengthy ultrasound to rule out damage to the placenta, I finally got to go to "sleep."  (Fact- no one sleeps in hospitals.  If you get a good night's sleep, then someone isn't doing their job).  I got a few hours rest off and on, then got to see the Doctor around 5:30.  She confirmed that Gideon looked wonderful, but that my contractions were still too close together.  They slowed a little as the day went on, but stayed pretty consistent, even with IV fluids and time on my left side.  However, since I felt fine, Gideon looked great, I'm not dilated, and my contractions were not painful, I got sent home 24 hours after the accident with no activity restrictions.

We'll get a rental car tomorrow and will start the insurance headache this coming week.

Lessons I learned from the L&D trip...
1) I need to pack my hospital bag ASAP.  Sleeping in contacts was no good.
2) I've never been so worried about someone as I was for Gideon.  I suppose this is a good initiation to motherhood.
3) L&D has an amazing nursing staff, and I'm so glad they'll be taking care of me and Gideon in a few weeks.

A few weeks, Gideon.  Mind your mommy and stay put! :)

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

34 Weeks

Oh my gracious- 34 weeks means not very much time until Gideon comes

Baby is as big as a? large cantaloupe

Wedding rings on or off?  Still on

Ankles?  Surprisingly not swollen these past few days.  I blame my recent bouts of edema with moving stress, and a primarily fast food diet for a few days.

Blood pressure- still fantastic.  Three cheers for my circulatory system!

Latest appointment?   This morning we had our 34 week check up.  All looked great- HR, BP and weight gain.  I'm measuring on the high end of normal for fundal height, but my OB is pretty sure Gideon is head down and stretched out.  My OB also thinks the "cramps" I've been having are really Braxton-Hicks contractions, so I'll start watching those more closely to see if I notice any patterns.  I have one more appointment in two weeks, then I'll start coming in every week.  Holy cow!

Gideon likes?  To be VERY active at inappropriate times, like when mommy is trying to go to bed.  He also enjoys sticking his little rump right up to my diaphragm, causing extreme shortness of breath.  As far as foods go, we still like sweet things, especially regular Coke.

Gideon dislikes?  Nothing that I can tell.

Mommy misses?
-Raw fish sushi- I'd really like some spicy tuna rolls.
-Ibuprofen- while I've had a surprising lack of headaches this pregnancy, when I do get a headache, I miss my NSAIDs

Exciting this week?
-My AMAZING baby shower.  Once I get pictures I'll dedicate an entire post to the shower; it was fantastic and wonderfully hosted by some precious young ladies.
-Gideon's nursery looks more like a nursery.
-Thanks to some mother-in-law help, I've found more of my house under the boxes.
-I've preregistered with Huntsville Hospital.  All I have to do now is show up and deliver.

Not exciting this week?
-I'm approaching the end of my grace period for student loans.  I need to get a NICE frame for my diploma, cause that was one expensive piece of paper!
-My car was hit in the parking lot at work.  Just some cosmetic damage, but a headache nonetheless.  No one wants to be car-less this close to a baby coming.

This is starting to feel real, y'all.  I'll have a little one before I know it!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

33 Weeks!

Baby is the size of a? pineapple!

Wedding rings?  Still on- but snug

Ankles?  Lots of issues with swelling here lately.  My compression socks are a work day must have, and I'm very familiar with the blood pressure machine at work.  So far no issues with hypertension, so we're not concerned.

Other pregnancy issues?  More frequent Braxton-Hicks contractions, and some legitimate contractions as well.  Long work days bring about a combination of both, as well as sciatic nerve pain.  I also think I could sleep all the time if I didn't have such a massive to-do list.

Fun this week?
-we're moved into our new house (note- there's a big difference between being "moved in" and "settled in")
-I'm having a baby shower this weekend, hosted by some amazing Jr and Sr High Ladies :)

Not fun this week?
-I've reached the stage of pregnancy where everyone feels the need to share their labor horror stories with me.  I think stories of emergency c-sections and vacuum extractions can wait until after Gideon comes :)

Looking forward to Gideon coming (in his time) and getting to see his sweet face!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

31 Weeks!

Baby is the size of a?  head of lettuce

Wedding rings on or off?  Still on

Ankles?  Only mild swelling so far, mainly at the end of my second 13 hour day.  I'm supposed to be wearing compression stockings to work.

Pregnancy brain?  Obviously so- note my post from 30 weeks :).  I also found my cell phone in the refrigerator.

Other pregnancy symptoms?  Mainly I feel tired all the time.  I'm also having a difficult time sleeping due to my larger abdomen.

Baby likes?  All things sweet- especially regular Coke. (I never really liked regular Coke pre-pregnancy).  I also really enjoy Frosty's, cinnamon rolls, Publix doughnuts, Almond Joys, Oreos, and anything chocolate.  I haven't had any issues with inappropriate weight gain, so I figure I should enjoy this while I can.

Baby dislikes?  Nothing really; we love to eat.

Baby misses?  Sushi!  Who will bring me spicy tuna rolls to the hospital?

Fun things this week?
-The nursery is painted! (Bamboo shoot, in case you were wondering)
-We have many more nursery items thanks to some generous people.  We'll be purchasing our big nursery furniture soon.
-I had my first every 2 week appointment, with no problems at all.

Not fun things this week?
-We're moving to our new house, which is fun.  Packing, however, is not fun.
-I woke up from a nap having a contraction.  Ouch!  This one actually hurt, compared to the few Braxton-Hicks I've had that were virtually painless, just awkward.

Looking forward to finishing this pregnancy strong and healthy, and I cannot wait to meet little Gideon!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

29 Weeks!

Baby is the size of a?  butternut squash!

Wedding rings on or off?  Still on, but getting snug

Nursery things?   Now that we have a house and an actual nursery, we've been able to find some great nursery items.  On Friday, we stocked up on some wall decor.  Today, I visited two consignment sales and added some other amazing items.  I'm especially excited about the glider and ottoman I found for less than the price of just an ottoman.

How are you feeling lately?  Like a turtle on its shell

Baby likes?  Fountain coke with lots of ice, milkshakes, and pretty much any food.  I like to eat.

Baby dislikes?  Nothing really

Looking forward to?  Finishing up the nursery and getting moved into our new house

We start our every 2 week appointments on Monday.  Hopefully Gideon will continue to develop appropriately and will stay put until he's full term.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

28 Weeks and Growing

What an eventful week this has been!

Today was our 28 week appointment.  Gideon is growing big and has a great heart rate.  Mommy is growing right on schedule, measuring exactly 28 weeks with good blood pressure and weight gain.

Baby is the size of a? Small cabbage?  (Which is larger than a cauliflower and a cucumber?  I'm so confused.)  He weighs in at around 3 pounds and is approximately 17 inches long.

Movement?  All the time and all over the place.  Last night Keith had his hand on my belly and confirmed what I'd been thinking- Gideon is trying to kick his way out.  Wait at least 9 more weeks, but preferably longer, little guy!

Unexpected this week?  Last week I said Gideon was good at finding my nerves and kicking them.  Today at the Dr. I found out another reason for those sharp pains- apparently last week I had (and passed) a kidney stone.  I'd be okay not experiencing that again.

Baby likes?  Sweets.  Lots of sweets.  To the point where I'm about to be banned from grocery shopping.

Baby dislikes?  Nothing that I can tell.

New to the family this week?  The Gallahair family got adopted this week by a stray lab mix puppy that we've named Lucy.  She's around 5 months old and is all skin and bones, but with some love and regular meals she'll be all fixed up in no time.  Nelli LOVES having a sister to play with, and they are turning into best buddies.  We're pretty sure Lucy was hit by a car at some point in her life, as she has a (healed) broken hip that will most likely give her problems.  Aside from that and a few minor puppy ailments, she's a healthy girl.  We are very excited to have her in our family.

Since I've hit my third trimester, I'm going to be seen every 2 weeks for the next 6 weeks at the OB's office.  I can't believe time is going by so quickly!  We need to finish a nursery soon!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Third Trimester!

How am I already in my third trimester?  I feel like this pregnancy is flying by, most likely due to all of the distractions I've had since finding out- finishing/graduating pharmacy school, taking/passing the Boards, buying a house, etc.

Baby is the size of a?  head of cauliflower (again, I don't see a logical progression through the produce here).  He weights in at approximately 2.5 lbs and is around 16 inches from head to toes.

Wedding rings on or off?  Still on, but they're getting snug in the evenings.  I might invest in a fake ring in a larger size if this keeps up.

Movement?  I'm pretty sure my little one is nocturnal; he moves all night long.  He's gotten very good at finding mommy's nerves and kicking them just hard enough to give me stabbing pains.  Not cute, little guy!

Baby likes?  Sweet things, especially Kit Kat bars, Almond Joys and Oreos.  I'm usually not a fan of sweets, so this is definitely pregnancy-related.

Baby dislikes?  Still nothing that I can tell.

New challenges this week?  I found out that I passed my glucose test, no problem.  However, my OB also ordered an H/H and discovered that I have iron-deficiency anemia.  Mommy has orders to take additional iron supplements and eat more protein.  I've already noticed an energy boost from the extra iron, so hopefully my lab values will improve as well.

Looking forward to?  My appointment coming up next week, and closing on a house!  Gideon will finally have a nursery to decorate!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

26 Weeks!

Baby is as big as a? cucumber!

Belly button in or out?  Out.  It "popped" sometime this week

Wedding rings on or off?  On

Baby likes?  Hearing Daddy talk- he's very responsive to Keith's voice.

Baby dislikes?  Nothing that I can tell, really.

Favorite moment this week?  Putting my hand on my belly in response to some strong kicks, and feeling Gideon's foot.  I've also been able to decipher some knees (or elbows) this week as well.

Least favorite moment this week?  Going to the lab for my 2 hour glucose screen.  Whoever told me "it's only a small bottle" or "it's really not that bad" was lying.  After coming in fasting, I had to wait an additional hour to be called back to receive the glucose drink.  I could tell my sugar was already low, and I knew consuming 75 grams of carbs over a 5 minute span was not the ideal way to raise my sugar.  I wasn't feeling well to begin with, and my lab tech's advice- "if you throw up, we have to start over"- was not very comforting.  I ended up doing just fine for the two hours of the test, and then went straight to Panera for a healthy (and virtually carb-free) lunch.  Hopefully I'll hear good news from my OB's office within the next few days.

Fun discovery this week?  Etsy.  How did I go this long without ever really looking at this site?  I've found so many cute things for Gideon's nursery.  I can't wait to be at our new house so I can start ordering and decorating!

Miss anything?  Sleeping comfortably.  I have a hard time getting and staying comfortable.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

25 Weeks!

Baby is the size of a?  Still an eggplant

Belly button in or out?  Half and half- the top is trying to "pop"

Wedding rings on or off?  Still on

Baby likes?  Still watermelon, and lots of sweet things.  Almond Joys are exceptionally delicious.

Baby dislikes?  Nothing really

Mommy likes?  Feeling how active Gideon is lately; he moves so much!  Sometimes my whole belly will move to one side or the other while he's practicing his gymnastics.

Mommy dislikes?  Gideon showing off how much he can move when I'm trying to go to sleep, or in the morning before my alarm clock goes off.

New challenges?  When I go to pick things up, I've noticed that the floor is farther away than it used to be.  It's not me.  It's the floor.

Looking forward to?  Decorating the nursery!

Monday, August 6, 2012

24 Weeks!

Today was our 24 week appointment to check on sweet Gideon.  We started with an ultrasound to view the heart structures since Gideon was camera shy at our fetal anomaly scan.  Fortunately Gideon's heart looked great (and everything else looked great, too)!  Mommy is continuing "perfectly" (per the OB) with appropriate weight gain, blood pressure, and belly measurements.  I did get homework for my next appointment- my lab orders for my glucose screen.

Baby is the size of an? Eggplant!

Belly button in or out?  In, but not for much longer, I don't think.

Wedding rings on or off?  On

Symptoms?  Heartburn- which makes sense considering my growing abdomen.  A growing belly means all the other GI organs get "smushed" out of the way.

Baby likes?  Lots of healthy things- watermelon, yogurt with fruit mixed in, cheese sticks.  Gideon also likes some unhealthy snacks as well, specifically cinnamon rolls and double-stuff Oreos.

Mommy likes?  Pepcid Complete.  I also like my new work shoes, a pair of Dansko Professionals, which help me work my long days on my feet without back pain. 

For the family- for Gideon's health and safety, please plan on receiving a seasonal flu shot as well as a pertussis (Tdap) vaccine before he arrives.  These vaccines are already important if you're around asplenic individuals, so this request benefits multiple family members :)  If you have questions about either of these vaccines, please consult the following resources from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention-

Regarding the flu vaccine you can view information from the CDC HERE
Regarding the Tdap vaccine you can view information from the CDC HERE

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

23 Weeks!

Baby is the size of an?  Ear of corn!

Belly button in or out?  In, but just barely

Wedding rings on or off?  On

Baby bump?  I'm either really small or really large, depending on who's commenting.  I prefer to think I'm progressing at a healthy rate.

Pregnancy symptoms?  Been feeling really great so far.  I got some amazing work shoes to help me manage long hours on my feet.  It's still hard to get comfortable at night, though.

Neat baby things?  Gideon had the hiccups this week- it was precious and weird all at the same time.

Baby readiness? After hours and hours of researching baby products, we actually made our baby registry this week.  Gideon is registered at Babies R Us.

Looking forward to?  Moving (I never thought I'd say that!) so we can get this little guy's nursery set up!  Also looking forward to our appointment on Monday so I can see more pictures of Gideon.

Monday, July 23, 2012

22 Weeks!

Clearly I need to work on updating my blog on time... my week changes on Sundays, my size updates on Mondays, and my last post was on a Thursday.  Oops.

Baby is the size of a?  papapya!

Belly button in or out?  In, but getting flat

Wedding rings on or off?  On

Symptoms?  Lower back aches and difficulty getting comfortable at night.

Movement?  All the time.  Yesterday during church I could see my belly move cause of all the big kicks.  No escaping just yet, little one.

Pregnancy PSA- If you've been following the news recently, you may have seen articles about increased incidences nationwide of pertussis (also known as "whooping cough").  Pertussis can lead to severe complications in infants, including pneumonia, apnea, encephalopathy, convulsions, and even death.  In infants who contract pertussis, over half will require hospitalization for pertussis-related complications.  For this reason, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has many recommendations regarding pertussis vaccination for pregnant woman and persons who will be in close contact with infants.  A quick summary of the CDC's recommendations-

  • "The best way to prevent pertussis in a young infant is by vaccinating the mother during pregnancy."  It is recommended that pregnant women receive the pertussis vaccine (commercially combined with the tetanus vaccine- the Tdap) at 20 weeks gestation or later.  (My vaccine was up to date prior to pregnancy, so I'm good :) ).
  • "The immune response to the vaccine peaks two weeks after should encourage others, including dads, grandparents and other caregivers to get vaccinated with Tdap at least two weeks before coming into contact with their infants."
Infants receive pertussis immunizations as part of their standard childhood immunizations, but these vaccines do not start until the child is 2 months old.  Adult immunization while the infant is less than two months old help prevent the spread of pertussis to a newborn.

If you're curious as to why this disease is also known as "whooping cough," listen to the sound byte of the cough HERE.  That's certainly not a sound I want to hear from Gideon!

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Tdap for Pregnant Women: Information for Providers.  Updated 2012 June 15 [cited 23 July 2012].  Available from

Thursday, July 19, 2012

21 Weeks

Baby is the size of a?  Spaghetti squash

Baby bump?  People who don't know me ask when I'm due now

Movement?  All the time, but more at night.  Sometimes I think Gideon is trying to escape!

Fun baby purchases?  I went shopping with Mimi, who got Gideon a bank for his room.  It's shaped like a lion, so Keith named it Aslan.

Exciting this week?  Mommy got her license to practice pharmacy!

Overwhelming this week?  Making my list of items to register for.  The first time I walked into a Babies R Us I felt a little hypertensive, so I've been doing some pretty extensive research.  I've been utilizing the book Baby Bargains by Denise and Alan Fields to make several of my larger purchase decisions, but have also consulted recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Consumer Product Safety Commission.

Baby likes?  Lots of fruit

Baby dislikes?  Nothing really.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

20 Weeks!

It's hard to believe that we are already halfway through with this pregnancy!  Time is flying by!  And now we can officially introduce our little one...

Meet Gideon Samuel!  Our little one is officially a boy, and we are so excited!

Baby is the size of a?  Banana!

Development?  According to our 20 week fetal scan, Gideon is growing appropriately.  The major organ systems all looked good, however, our ultrasound tech had a difficult time visualizing all four chambers of the heart.  Our OB was not concerned, but we'll have an additional ultrasound at our next visit to confirm a lack of cardiovascular defects.  Mommy is not concerned as another ultrasound means more pictures of my baby; have you seen how adorable my child is?

New pregnancy issues?  Heartburn, and lots of it.  I ate plain cereal for breakfast this morning and got heartburn.  Thank goodness for Pepcid Complete.

Explanation of name?  
We chose Gideon (meaning "mighty warrior" and "feller of trees") as we were both led to the story of Gideon in Judges during our quiet times at different points in time before we decided to start a family.  Gideon's story in the Bible is special to each of us for various reasons.  

For a middle name, we chose Samuel (meaning "God heard" or "requested of God") to represent God's answer to our prayers for a child.  

Sunday, July 1, 2012

19 Weeks

Baby is the size of a?  Well...that depends.  My current "go to" pregnancy app keeps me at mango for another week, yet other apps state varying produce from banana to butternut squash.  Baby is approximately 6.5 inches long- pick your favorite appropriate produce for comparison.

Fun developmental things?  From what I can gather, Baby has a rapidly developing nervous system, as well as a newly formed vernix caseosa.  Within the next few weeks, I should be able to distinguish Baby's heartbeat with my stethoscope.  On a somewhat related note, I have a hard time trusting "cutesy" medical information; does anyone know of an HonCode certified pregnancy week by week resource?

Pregnancy Pet Peeve?  Pregnancy Paranoia, especially as it relates to diet. I got an email this week from a respected pregnancy/baby source titled "Fourth of July foods to avoid during pregnancy."  The list made me laugh, as it included these items

  • ready to eat foods- as they could be contaminated with listeria
  • hot dogs and luncheon meat- same reason
  • soft cheeses- same
  • burgers and other grilled meat- risk for E. coli if undercooked
  • ice cream- risk for salmonella if containing raw eggs
The risk of listeria (even in pregnancy) is ridiculously small.  Also, most packaged lunch meats contain added food-safe antimicrobials to reduce the risk of listeria even further.  Soft cheese "risks" are overblown as, per US law since the 1940s, soft cheeses cannot be sold in the United States unless pasteurized, which kills the bacteria.  All undercooked meats pose a risk for E. coli; that's just common sense.  And ice cream, even with raw eggs, is fine as long as the eggs are pasteurized.  

As a pregnant woman, I'm at a MUCH higher risk for issues like gestational diabetes, venous thromboemboli, preeclampsia.  Why not send me articles addressing prevention of these issues instead of making me feel bad about eating a turkey sandwich?

Upcoming fun things?  Our anatomy scan is next week, so we'll get to confirm Baby's gender and hopefully see that Baby is growing and developing appropriately.  Assuming all is well with Baby at that scan, we will register with the pediatrician we've picked out.

Monday, June 25, 2012

18 weeks!

Baby is the size of a? mango  (I know, I thought a sweet potato was bigger than a mango too.  I don't write the list.)

Baby bump?  Bigger by the day.  I can only hide it at work now, thanks to my lab coat.

Belly button in or out?  Still in

Wedding rings off or on?  Still on

Baby likes? Mayonnaise- something I did not eat pre-pregnancy except for in potato or chicken salad.  My new favorite lunch has been a turkey sandwich on white bread with mayonnaise on both slices, muenster cheese and lettuce.

Baby dislikes?  Certain smells- barbeque and sweet coffee in particular.

Movement? All the time now.  Last night Baby's kicks started to hurt a little bit, they were so strong!  Daddy has been able to feel some more kicks as well, which has been exciting.

Looking forward to?  Being done with the Boards so I can finally start picking out Baby stuff.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

17 weeks!

Baby Gallahair is continuing to grow!

Baby is the size of a? Sweet potato!

Baby bump?  It's noticeable now.  I got a few "I can see your bump!" comments at church on Sunday.

Baby likes? All fruit, and lots of it.

Baby dislikes?  Nothing that I can tell, really.

Mommy misses?  Eating sushi.  I laugh at most of the "pregnancy do-not-eat" recommendations as they're unfounded, however, I will not eat raw fish.  The raw fish part isn't a concern to me, it's the high mercury levels in my sushi favorites.  I did eat some California Rolls this week as they're fully cooked.  They were delicious, but not the same.  Who wants to bring me some spicy tuna rolls after delivery?

Exciting moment this week?  We felt Baby kick from the outside this week!  Keith had his hand on my tummy as we were reading Baby a story, and Baby started kicking.  It was very exciting.  I'm starting to feel movement during the day as well, and not just when I'm being still.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

16 Week appointment

Baby is the size of a? Turnip!

Baby bump?  Getting bigger by the day!

Baby likes?  Food.  My gracious where did this appetite come from?

Baby dislikes?  When mommy works then does too much afterward

Movement?  Every day now.  I can distinguish kicks now instead of just flutters, but still can't feel them on the outside.

Today was our 16 week appointment.  Baby is growing big and strong!  Mommy looked good with stable blood pressure and appropriate gradual weight gain.  When our OB put the Doppler on my belly to hear the heartbeat, Baby kicked the probe, which made a loud noise on the Doppler.  Apparently Baby is not a fan of cold things on Mommy's tummy.

Also exciting was we got a "sneak peak" ultrasound to see if we could tell the gender.  We're 97% sure we know, but aren't going to post on social media until after our 20 week appointment.  We'll be happy to share our excitement in person :)

Monday, June 4, 2012

15 Weeks!

Baby is the size of an? Avocado!  (Speaking of... where can I find some guacamole?)

Baby bump?  Getting bigger by the day, but not overtly noticeable.  Still in regular clothes with a few exceptions. I'm still getting "you're not even showing!" on an almost daily basis.

Baby likes? Still loving the sour stuff.  Also exciting is that coffee no longer makes me gag, so I've enjoyed two (small) cups this week.  For the "pregnancy police" out there, yes, I can have caffeine while pregnant.  No, my baby will not have weird birth defects due to my supposed lack of judgement.  (I was actually asked these things this week, and by a fellow pharmacist, no less). I also eat (gasp!) lunch meat and (oh dear!) hot dogs.  I'm a pregnancy rebel.  (That and the dangers of said foods are completely unfounded and way overblown...stop freaking out pregnant women internet!)  Also, my OB says they're safe.

Mommy dislikes?  Baby almost making me faint at work today.  Fortunately I got to a chair and got my head between my legs before I hit the floor.  I've had this happen before and think it can be related to either low blood sugar or low blood pressure.  I'll ask my OB next week.

Proud mommy moment this week?  I had an out of town conference in Florida this week.  I was on four separate flights, and did fine on all of them.  I'd heard pregnancy horror stories about flying, so I was a little concerned.

Movement?  Still feeling sporadic light flutters and thumps (almost like bubbles popping).  It's mainly when I get really still at the end of the day and is the coolest feeling in the world.  That's my kid in there, y'all!

Looking forward to another appointment soon to hear Baby's heartbeat and see how we're doing!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

14 weeks!

Baby Gallahair is growing fast!

Baby is the size of a? Navel orange!

Baby bump? Most definitely, but still in my regular clothes.  I'm in that awkward "is she pregnant or does she need to lay off the cheeseburgers?" stage.

Baby likes? All things sour- Dill pickle chips, Sprees, mustard, Sour Straws.  After a quick run to the "front store" at work to grab some Sour Straws and a Mountain Dew, I was getting some funny looks.  Apparently I'm -that- pregnant woman.  Don't judge me.

Baby dislikes? The smell of pizza (but mommy dislikes that smell too).

Coolest moment thus far? I felt Baby move!  Apparently it's super early to feel quickening, but unless a fish has taken up residence in my lower abdomen, Baby is letting Mommy know he/she is there.

Other things I've enjoyed? Picking out children's books with my husband to read to the Baby.

Looking forward to our 16 week appointment.  Rumor has it my OB does a gender "sneak peak" at 16 weeks.  It would be very exciting to know if Baby Gallahair is a he or a she!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Second Trimester!

How very exciting- we're already to the second trimester!  Keith and I are very excited about welcoming a new family member this fall!

Baby is the size of a? Lemon!

Baby bump? It's getting bigger; I wore my Tummy Sleeve all day today.  My pants will all still button, but I have a muffin top.

Baby likes? Lots of watermelon.

Mommy dislikes? Round ligament pain.  I miss coughing and sneezing without having sharp pains in my abdomen.

Craziest pregnancy advice? Since today is a solar eclipse, apparently pregnant women are supposed to wear red and a safety pin to avoid their babies being born with cleft palates.  Who knew?

I've been reflecting on how blessed I've been during this pregnancy.  I've had virtually no sickness and an incredible support system of family, friends and coworkers.  Yet through these blessings, I've thought about another birth mother (or mothers) who I'll never meet- the birth mothers of my to-be-adopted children.  I feel like I have new perspective on how to pray for this woman (or women) who will be blessing my life tremendously one day through the painful sacrifice of giving up a child.  I can pray for these women to have courage during their pregnancies, even in the face of governmental instability and lack of resources in their home countries.  I can pray for these women to have access to food, even in the face of poverty and famine.  Most importantly, I can pray for these women to know Jesus, and for His strength for these ladies as they give their child to a complete stranger.  I cannot fathom the depth of that heartache.

Praying for continued health as Baby grows,

Monday, May 14, 2012

12 Weeks!

We had a very successful 12 week appointment today!  Since fetal heart tones can be tricky to catch with the Doppler at 12 weeks, our OB had us get a quick ultrasound first to see the heart.  Baby was so wiggly that it was hard to get a clear reading, but finally sat still long enough for us to hear.  Our OB was also able to find the heart beat with the Doppler as well- a strong 158 bpm!  Mommy looked great as well, with stable blood pressure and good blood work.

Baby is the size of a? peach!  (mmm... peach ice cream... )

Favorite part so far?  Seeing how active Baby is!

Right now Baby likes? watermelon

Baby bump?  A little one.  It looks like I had too many peanut butter M & Ms...

Things I miss?  Coffee.

Looking forward to? Feeling some movement- Baby is definitely a wiggle worm.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

11 Weeks!

Another quick update on Baby Gallahair at 11 weeks along...

Baby is the size of a? Large plum!

Baby bump?  It's definitely there, it's just small.

Cravings?  Still loving Mexican food, especially spicy queso dip! (Also loving famotidine...)

New baby items? With our recent trip to Auburn, Baby now has an Aubie bib, an Auburn receiving blanket, and an Auburn t-shirt that reads "Start 'em young and raise 'em right."  Grandma and Grandpa got Baby some long-sleeved Christmas onesies as well.

Biggest prayers?  I've spent lots of time this week praying that Baby will come to know Jesus at an early age.  I also spent some time praying for Baby's spouse, which made me think about Baby growing up and getting married, which made me cry.

Also surprising this week?  Realizing that along with the new title I earned today ("Doctor"), I'll be earning another new title in November- "Mommy."  I don't know why I'd never really thought about that before.  An author I enjoy, Katie Davis,  described it this way- "It's such a powerful name.   Mommy means 'I trust you.' Mommy means 'You will protect me.' Mommy is for shouting when you need someone dependable and for laughing with when you are excited; Mommy is for crying on and cuddling with when you are sad or giggling and hiding behind when you are embarrassed. Mommy is the fixer of boo-boos and the mender of broken hearts.  Mommy is a comfort place, a safe place.  Mommy means you are mine and I am yours and we are family."

Happy Early Mother's Day to everyone!

Davis, Katie, and Beth Clark. Kisses From Katie: A Story Of Relentless Love And Redemption. New York: Howard Pub Co, 2011. 57.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

10 Weeks!

A quick update for Baby Gallahair at 10 weeks-

Baby is the size of a? Lime

Baby bump? I see something there, but I'm petite.  It's most likely water retention.  I did have a random stranger ask me today how far along I am.  Awkward!

Maternity Clothes? Not yet.  I have some jeans that are getting uncomfortable to button.  I'm sure my Tummy Sleeve will come in handy the next few weeks.

Symptoms? Dizzy spells. Extreme fatigue mixed with inability to sleep (good thing my nausea medicine doubles as a fantastic sleep aid)

Sleep?  Either all the time or none at all.  It's hard to get comfy.

Cravings? Tropical Punch Kool Aid.  Mexican food is especially delicious.

Aversions? Sweet things just don't sound good.

Gender? Way too soon to tell, but my gut tells me Baby is a girl.  Keith and I have had very similar dreams about a redheaded girl.

Favorite part? Everyone being so excited and supportive

Least favorite part? The not-so-fun pregnancy symptoms

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Sharing Our Secret

This weekend was so much fun!  We finally got to share our good news with almost all of the family (still waiting to tell one set of great-grandparents).

There were happy tears, shouts of joy, embarrassingly loud shouts of joy, and overall expressions of excitement from everyone.  We are so happy we finally got to share our big news.

The "Baby Fairy" visited Mimi's house over the weekend.  Baby has his or her first nursery item- a Fisher Price Cradle 'n Swing.

Precious Baby, you are SO LOVED already, and you're only 9 weeks old!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

I'd like to say "thank you"

To the person who invented ondansetron (Zofran).

Today's work day would not have happened without you.

On a less-sick note- we figured out how we're gonna tell the grandparents-to-be.  We made a shirt for our labrador (our current only child) that reads "Big Sister in Training" on the back.  She's going to wear it this weekend when we visit all the grandparents to share our good news.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Making an Olive out of an Orange Seed

Again, I have a tendency to over-share.  Please proceed with caution- medical descriptions ahead.

This morning was very nerve wracking.  I was nervous the whole way to the Doctor's office because I knew I was being brought in to rule out a miscarriage.  I knew I would have a very difficult time if the ultrasound tech were to tell me that my womb was empty.

When we got to the office, the receptionist told me they'd call me back for ultrasound first, and then I'd go back again to see the Doctor.  When we went back for the ultrasound, I was pretty sure I knew what to expect.  I'd researched what an almost 5 week old baby should look like on ultrasound- I figured I'd see a big black spot (the gestational sac) and maybe be able to see the yolk sac inside.  As I was watching the screen where my image was projecting, I saw -very clearly- a baby.

I thought to myself, "so soon?"

The ultrasound tech confirmed what I thought.  She looked at me and said "there's your little Bambino!"  Then she started taking all kinds of measurements.  When she measured the crown to rump length, she looked a little confused.  She glanced at my papers and then said "Early OB appointment?!  Sweetheart, you're 8 weeks 1 day."  At this point I was REALLY confused.  8 weeks?  My LMP was 5 weeks ago, meaning I experienced a true cycle while pregnant.  Since crown to rump length is a better determinant of gestational age than LMP, we had to change our due date.  Baby is now due November 25th (same day as Daddy's birthday!), instead of December 18th.  Apparently Baby (and mommy) look great, with Baby's heart beating strong at 164 bpm.

After our surprise with the ultrasound, we got to meet with the Doctor for our first OB appointment.  She gave me a goody bag full of prenatal vitamin samples, pregnancy resources, and prescription for Zofran and Phenergan (Bless. Her. Heart.).  We were really pleased with our OB; she answered all of our questions the best she could (still not exactly sure why I had a period 3 weeks pregnant...) and sent me down for blood work.

This means our plans have changed regarding telling the family.  Instead of waiting until graduation, we're gonna go ahead and tell them this weekend!  My original plan was to tell everyone through these adorable Christmas-themed announcements that I've already ordered.  (I figure I'll still send them out; now they're just funny).

Right now Baby likes- Milo's (well- seeing as how the nearest Milo's is in Gardendale, Baby has been wanting Milo's, a LOT), pickles, fried okra

Right now Baby dislikes- the smell of coffee, sweets

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Scary Thursday

This week I experienced my first "new mom freak out."  If I'm anything like my mother, it'll be the first of many, I'm sure.

It should be noted, I have a tendency to over share. Therefore, proceed with caution.

All throughout this pregnancy, I've had some intense abdominal cramps.  I wasn't concerned about them as they were never accompanied with bleeding, until Thursday.  When I noticed I had some light spotting, I immediately called my OB's office, just to make them aware.  The RN called back promptly assuring me that the type of bleeding I was having was perfectly normal, and to not worry.  When she found out about my cramps, she wanted to consult my OB.  A few hours later she called back saying my OB wanted to see me first thing Monday morning for an ultrasound, just to make sure everything was okay.

I've been trying hard to not worry.  I figure stress of any kind is not good for Baby.  While I was praying for Baby during my lunch break, I was reminded of Psalm 139-

"You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb. You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book.  Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed" Psalm 139: 15-16.

How precious to know that my Heavenly Father is watching Baby grow, even while he or she is too small for even ultrasound equipment to see.  I was given peace, knowing that God is watching over my child, and that His plan is perfect.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Crazy Cravings and Awful Aversions

I'll be honest; I thought people who talked about cravings were making them up.

Sorry to all the people I secretly judged.

While at work on Friday, all I could think about was wanting a baked potato.  I think this started when I ate a BBQ baked potato on Thursday, and then didn't feel sick for the first time since days before my positive test.  I kept texting Keith at work telling him how much I couldn't wait to get home for a baked potato.  Fortunately, Keith is a good sport and took me straight to Lawler's BBQ so I could indulge my craving.

Then today at church, all through the sermon I kept thinking about how I wanted a pickle.  Fortunately I was able to eat a few before everyone came over for Easter lunch.  I think me eating pickles out of a jar would cause some people to figure out my secret.

Just as unexpected as the cravings have been the food aversions.  My child does not like the smell of coffee or peanut butter- at all.  The smell of peanut butter turning my stomach was actually my first clue that I might be expecting.  I also have a really hard time with anything with stringy melted cheese.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Gallahair Family is Growing!

"For this child I prayed, and the Lord has granted me my petition that I made to Him" 1 Samuel 1:27 (ESV)

It's no secret that my mother wants "to be a Mimi."  She really wants grandchildren- just ask her.  Over the weekend at her house she gave me a late birthday present- a pretty beverage dispenser with a spigot on the bottom, to use at showers.  As a "subtle" hint, she filled the inside with baby items- washcloths, a pacifier, a bib, baby spoons, etc.  What Mimi (and I) didn't know at the time was that those items would be necessary sooner than anticipated.

I took a test one morning on a whim (I was only a day late), and lo and behold, two pink lines.  I was too shocked even to tell Keith right away.  After gathering my thoughts, I presented Keith with a copy of "Oh Baby, the Places You'll Go- A Book to Be Read in Utero" by Tish Rabe (why yes, I DID have a copy in my closet).  Inside the front cover, I wrote "Dear Daddy, Will you read me a story? Love, Baby Gallahair."  Keith's face was priceless!  I'd also purchased the Willow Tree Angel "New Dad" for him as well.

After celebrating with Keith, I scheduled my first OB appointment.  The timing works out perfectly- I'll have an appointment and ultrasound prior to graduation, where we'll share our secret with our family.  I'm predicting Mimi's reaction will be fantastic.

Even though I'm incredibly early in this pregnancy, I'm already having some annoying nausea.  I'm just assuming this means that Baby is growing big and strong, and that my hormone levels are surging appropriate for gestational age.

Right now Baby likes- ice water, saltines, plain tortilla chips

Right now Baby dislikes- stringy melted cheese